
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Maybe Mom saved some, how shall I put this, "swimmers" from back then, and later had her sons through artificial means. I have no idea why she would do this, but it would eliminate the age-difference.
At any rate, it could be funny to see in a future episode.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Ignar calls her mummy repeatedly in "Mother's Day" and is very upset about Farnsworth touching her. Seems to sugest they are related, but nothin rock-solid.

« Reply #5 on: 08-06-2002 19:35 »
« Last Edit on: 08-06-2002 19:35 »
ye but they r "not so bright" and y would she have them to help her?

they might of been clever, but slapped one too many times by mom...like cubert got more cleverer after beeng knocked out...(i am not a good speller)
"Lesotho_Leela -Oh, by the way, You arent from South Africa by any chance are you RSA?" no uk RSA is a counter strike clan

thx ya all, but that is a valid point Aleel, also if i remmember there r a few fotos of them in her office...or some1 who looks similar...


yeah... I was also thinking about how good an episode this stuff would make. I like Teral's swimmers idea... but the machine in SP3000 saying that Fry is the Prof's only living relative seems too damn that theory. Oh well...

Maybe they r not relatives enought for the machene in SP3000 ???


it would be possible if mom loved farnsworth enougth that she was willing to go through with a embryo implantation experimetn to see if twins or triplets could be birthed througth the uses of artificial incemination


You know you don't need love to have kids, just walk over to ye olde Sperm Bank.
I always thought they were just hired goons and called her mom like everyone else, the real dumb one just got very very confused.


Originally posted by Torquemada: The sons are the product of some evil experiment in Prefertilisation Biological IQ control. They are really some freaky lab experiment that she likes to keep around for laughs and only calls them her sons to stop them asking questions. ... I like this one the best... Though I think she'd call them her sons more along the lines of how an engineer would call his design his 'creation'. She'd form a relationship with her 'biologiical experiments' becuase she probly can't have sons of her own, so created and adopted them 


BTW, only the youngest son is truly moronic. The middle one seems somewhat dim, and the oldest (the one wil black hair and eternal villainous expression) is actually rather intelligent. He is the one who came up with the idea of Professor seducing Mom in order to stop the robot rebellion.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

True, but he still had to dress his younger brother in Mom's bra to explain where the remote were hidden.