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Author Topic: Leela's Killings  (Read 1423 times)
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« on: 07-06-2007 17:15 »

In Anthrology of Interest I, when Leela goes on her killing spree, did anyone notice that she killed Cubert with a sword. Then she killed Scruffy, then she killed Nibbler. But Nibbler was between Cubert and Scruffy on the sword. Can anyone explain this?  :confused:

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« Reply #1 on: 07-06-2007 17:23 »

gag2      /gæg/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[gag] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, gagged, gag·ging. Informal.
1.   a joke, esp. one introduced into a script or an actor's part

Or, if you like an answer that humors you, I'll describe the necessary sequence of events.

1. Leela kills Cubert.
2. Leela takes sword out of Cubert, stabs Scruffy up to the hilt and then replaces the sword in Cubert without removing it from Scruffy.
3. Leela removes the sword from Cubert, with Scruffy still impaled.  She then spikes Nibbler with it and then replaces it in Cubert.
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