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Author Topic: States  (Read 2098 times)
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Urban Legend
« on: 01-28-2002 15:18 »

From what I have seen the states are as follows:
New New York
New New Jersey
Penn Republic
Washington AC
West Viginia
East West Virginia
24 Bit Colorado
User ID:aho
Human Farm (in AL1)

Thats from the 3 map shots I got from A Bendin' In the Wind...
anything else? Oh and Mexico might be a state as well... not to sure.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1 on: 01-28-2002 16:37 »


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #2 on: 01-28-2002 18:07 »

You found more than I wrote down for my guide page: www.geocities.com/shadowstar_freakboy/guide3acv13.html
And shut up about my horrible drawing of Patchcord Adams. Aren't I tortured enough by that fact already?

« Reply #3 on: 01-29-2002 15:07 »

Lost Angelos... (if I understood it well)

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #4 on: 01-29-2002 19:07 »

welcome to PEEL skylight
Bending Unit
« Reply #5 on: 01-29-2002 20:39 »


Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 01-29-2002 20:53 »

Thats right ShadowStar! You're not the only site with stuff you might have missed!
::Horrible laughter::
Mwah ha ha ha ha!  :evillaugh:
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #7 on: 01-30-2002 03:19 »

Originally posted by Chump:
Oh and Mexico might be a state as well... not to sure.

The earth of America, geographycal correct, i don`t guess that it be an state, anyway in the 3K year USA is only a country more, all earthis under one goverment

Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 01-30-2002 11:18 »

Jav, you been taking spelling lessons from Nurdbot? I don't understand what you're talking about.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 01-30-2002 16:14 »

I thikn he's trying to say that he doesn't think Mexico is a state, and that the US isn't a country anyway, as there is a global government

Urban Legend
« Reply #10 on: 01-30-2002 16:24 »

Yes, I was wondering about that, but there are reference to other countries, ie. Norway. Perhaps there are senators from countries and one major prez? Who knows. Maybe that will be a future episode, where Fry becomes Senator of America...  :D
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #11 on: 01-31-2002 00:23 »
« Last Edit on: 01-31-2002 00:23 »

Probably, the US engulfed the other half of Mexico in the 3rd millennium (The first half was in 1847) and it's probably gonna be senator of the U.S. AND Mexico. And the senator will still be a white, middle-aged man, much like the prez is now.   :p

« Reply #12 on: 01-31-2002 01:00 »

Ohhh..But what the battle..

Bending Unit
« Reply #13 on: 01-31-2002 03:57 »

Originally posted by Chump:
there are reference to other countries, ie. Norway.


Urban Legend
« Reply #14 on: 01-31-2002 09:29 »

Yea I've seen that section of your site Tor, and it proves my point. There have to be other countries, but America may be the largest after it encorperates Mexico (and possibly Canada?)

Also, there are clearly a lot of them because

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #15 on: 01-31-2002 09:35 »

Well, maybe they set up the world government after the US Constitution.  After all, we've got the federal, state, county, township, and town/city governments.  Perhaps they just added one more level to it.

Come to think of it, why did that reporter bring up the whole "only 2 terms for a president" law?  Nixon was never President of Earth, only President of the US.  And I'm assuming the Constitution of Earth made the US Constitution defunct.

Urban Legend
« Reply #16 on: 01-31-2002 09:43 »
« Last Edit on: 01-31-2002 09:43 »

He said: Can be president more than twice.
Therefore this is his 3rd time... assuming they count his presidency of America, that still says he HAS been president again, or prez. of the world already. (Maybe he got impeached!  :laff: )

« Reply #17 on: 01-31-2002 09:45 »

Or some virtual 'world government' with lines of demarkation based on common socialogical interests.

Bending Unit
« Reply #18 on: 01-31-2002 19:40 »

That whole concept of Nixon not being allowed to run again was bogus anyways, at least by US Constitution standards.  Nowhere in that paper does it say that a man can't run for a third term after he has stepped down.  Theoretically, if a president who ran for two consecutive terms wanted to run again right now, all he'd have to do is wait out one term between the last one he served and let another person serve, then he could run again for a third time.

Remember, it's not what the constitution does say, it's what it doesn't say that counts.  ;)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #19 on: 01-31-2002 20:28 »
« Last Edit on: 01-31-2002 20:28 »

22nd Admendment of the US Constitution
Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice

So what doesn't the Constitution say again?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #20 on: 01-31-2002 21:02 »

The Constitution doesn't even mention Presidential resignation, so it's ludicrous to think that there'd be a provision or exception for post-resignation executive candidacy.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #21 on: 01-31-2002 22:31 »

It doesn't matter.  He was elected twice.  It doesn't matter if he served the whole term or not.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #22 on: 02-01-2002 06:27 »
« Last Edit on: 02-01-2002 06:27 »

Help me out here, my Constitution book is gone again...Could a man be elected Vice President three times under different Presidents, have the Presidents resign early in each term (say, after a year), and serve for a total of nine years as President?  I don't recall if there is a Constitutional provision to prevent that (not to say a practical provision doesn't exist).  I know that if a Vice President serves more than half of a President's term, then he can only run for election as President once.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #23 on: 02-01-2002 08:29 »

From what I recall from Government class . . .

A man can be Vice President as many times as he wants (assuming he gets elected).  But if he steps in and becomes president in the beginning, middle, or end of a term, it counts as one full term.  It doesn't matter if he's President for only a day, it counts as a full term.
Future Angel
Bending Unit
« Reply #24 on: 02-06-2002 01:31 »

Canada is still a country (I think) but it's an island (according to the 2001 Calander - G-Bots (September) is 39 cents - pretty good price considering I have to pay $3.50 for the comic).

Personally, I'd like to know if Canada is just an island or if it is still a country - I'd like to know when Canada will spit from the U.S. {since the U.S. is the only country we touch} and we DO BECOME Eskimos - We are not Eskimos (not all of us anyways, I'm not.)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #25 on: 02-06-2002 01:46 »
« Last Edit on: 02-06-2002 01:46 »

I can't imagine that the United States would be dissolved into the Earth Government and not Canada.  We're practically joined at the hip.

Okay, a Texan, a Canadian, and a Michigander are hunting in the middle of a forest.  The Texan wants to show off his marksmanship, so he pulls a whisky bottle from his backpack, takes a swig, throws the bottle into the air, and blasts it.  The other two ask him why he destroyed a perfectly good bottle of whisky.  He answers, "Where I come from, the whisky is plentiful, and bottles are cheap."  Not to be outdone, the Canadian pulls a bottle of beer from his bag and does the same thing.  The others ask him why he shot a perfectly good bottle of beer.  The Canadian answers, "Where I come from, there's plenty of beer, and bottles are cheap."  Finally, it's the Michigander's turn.  He pulls out a two-liter bottle of pop, takes a drink, caps it, puts it back in his bag, and shoots the Canadian.  The Texan looks dumbfounded at him and asks why he did that.  The Michigander says, "Where I come from, Canadians are plentiful, but bottles are worth ten cents."

« Reply #26 on: 02-09-2002 11:39 »


Urban Legend
« Reply #27 on: 02-09-2002 14:53 »
« Last Edit on: 02-09-2002 14:53 »

What this is Canada related joke time?

When Canada was born, all the citizens gathered to name the new land. They decided to draw letters from a hat to make the new name. A man was selected and began to pull. He announced the letters as he pulled them out, which went like this:
"C, eh? N, eh? D, eh?"
And so CANADA was born.

And to even it out, an American joke:
When God was making earth, he was deciding the future countries, which led him to create Canada. He told his head angel what he was doing:
"First I will give them great amounts of land and many shore-lines. They will have rich amounts of oil, trees, and minerals. They will have lots of fresh water, and they will be blessed with a great assortment of wildlife. They will see their blessings and be a kind and happy people."
To which his angel replied.
"But sir! Surely you can see that this is unfair to some other countries, ones that have less? Why will the Canadians have no hardships?"
And god said:
"Oh, there will be hardships. Wait until you see the neighbours I give them!"
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #28 on: 02-09-2002 15:01 »

[Sheila Broflowski]Blame Canada![/SB]
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