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Author Topic: Stars above.  (Read 3206 times)
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Urban Legend
« on: 01-15-2002 08:44 »

Okey you may have to bear with me on this one so here goes. In Time Keep's on Slipping Fry writes a message in the the stars proclaiming his love to Leela but it got sucked into oblivion. Now I do not know how  far these stars are away but It may be inconsiqeuntial. Now Light travels a 3000000m/s and it takes 8 minuetes for the light from the sun to reach Earth. Now bearing in mind when we are looking into the stars a night we are seeing them in the past the in Theory when on their travels Leela would see this message as she is seeing it before it blew up.  :confused:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1 on: 01-15-2002 08:46 »

What, a sight gag, in a comedy cartoon?  NEVER.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 01-15-2002 10:33 »

Technically, yes.  If they had a powerful enough telescope, then they could, in theory, look into the begining of time itself (at Heliopause, of course).  This 'theory' is actually the basis for the opening sequence of one of my favorite films, "Contact".

« Reply #3 on: 01-15-2002 11:55 »

Two words:  "Over analyze"

« Reply #4 on: 01-15-2002 12:17 »

Look At All Of Those ZAP's...And Any One Of Them Are Lethal!!!

Urban Legend
« Reply #5 on: 01-15-2002 15:41 »

In all fairness I just wrote this because I had nothing better to do during my study brake, stupid A levels.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 01-16-2002 04:01 »

Well this is technicaly correct,
but i think another posibility, in "A Clone of my own" Farnsworth said the they had increased the light speed , so ships don`t travel faster than the light, but the light speed is too much bigger than before, so if we take that the message light (and destruction) should have reach Earth before the ship come back to the earth after blowing all those stars....

Urban Legend
« Reply #7 on: 01-16-2002 04:28 »

And then my head exploded  :puke: fortunatly for me it grew back.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 01-16-2002 06:30 »
« Last Edit on: 01-16-2002 06:30 »

good to ear that, PEEL only have +1200 members...

anyway , also there is more points about that, like the security cameras of the ship (we can see it in the star of (1ACV05??) , when Leela and Fry are staring at the stars and they crush a small planet and Leela activates the windshield cleaners, just at the start we can see in the monitors that there is security cameras and some of them are in the bridge, should maybe one could have recorded it

 (anyway security cams ussualy erase the previous recording in 24hours).

Urban Legend
« Reply #9 on: 01-16-2002 14:02 »

You know I had not thought of that interesting.
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #10 on: 01-16-2002 22:50 »

Possibly these stars are spaced so closed together that the light can be seen in seconds. But remember, Fry arranged these stars in order to impress Leela, which probably occured months ago. That is ample time for light to reach their ship. Now the question remains, how did Fry manage to position stars possibly millions of miles apart from each other?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #11 on: 01-16-2002 23:59 »

Well, you gotta remember, those stars were WAY too small to be stars.  Definitely not to scale.  After all, you could see the PE ship and the entire star on the same screen.  Not gonna happen in real life.

Bending Unit
« Reply #12 on: 01-17-2002 02:51 »

Don't forget that some scientist increased the speed of light in 2208
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #13 on: 01-17-2002 03:14 »

As simple as that, light reach the earth (or everthing) before any ship

Urban Legend
« Reply #14 on: 01-17-2002 08:22 »

Okey this probably is just being picky  :flirt: but surely the gravitational pull the stars would exert on each other would cause something pretty cataclismic.  :cry:

Bending Unit
« Reply #15 on: 01-17-2002 08:48 »

No the chronatons from the nebula corrected that as they passed through the stars.

« Reply #16 on: 01-17-2002 23:06 »

Surely that would have been hard for the writers to write themselves out of.  Especially when there was only about 1 minute of airtime left.  It's a cartoon guys, c'mon.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #17 on: 01-18-2002 00:00 »
« Last Edit on: 01-18-2002 00:00 »

Really now, why don't you complain about something more worthwhile ( :rolleyes: ), like the size of the stars, or the PE ship surviving being no more than 100 meters from a star without being vaporized, or even just the ship surviving a supernova from about 20 meters unscathed.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #18 on: 01-18-2002 00:48 »

You saw the planet(oid) that splattered on the PE Ship's forward viewport.  Couldn't those stars be mini-stars in some mini-system?  And couldn't technology provide energy shielding for the ship?  One thousand years ago people couldn't even imagine bullet-proof Kevlar(C), they couldn't even imagine bullets.  Who knows what technology will come into being by 3000-or-so A.D?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #19 on: 01-18-2002 01:56 »

Originally posted by DrThunder88:
Who knows what technology will come into being by 3000-or-so A.D?

Technology that can survive the blast of a supernova (brighter than entire galaxies, mind you), yet can't keep the ship from crumpling like a Mazda Miata in the beginning of Bendless Love?

Space Pope
« Reply #20 on: 01-18-2002 02:09 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
 Technology that can survive the blast of a supernova (brighter than entire galaxies, mind you), yet can't keep the ship from crumpling like a Mazda Miata in the beginning of Bendless Love?

Just like our time, isn't it?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #21 on: 01-18-2002 02:57 »

Originally posted by Nixorbo:
 Technology that can survive the blast of a supernova (brighter than entire galaxies, mind you), yet can't keep the ship from crumpling like a Mazda Miata in the beginning of Bendless Love?

[factitious sincerity]We've landed humans on the moon, but we haven't cured them of the common cold?  Such gaping discontinuities surely won't exist in the future.[/factitious sincerity]

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #22 on: 01-18-2002 10:31 »

Not only humans, but a theme park, as well!

Urban Legend
« Reply #23 on: 01-19-2002 06:50 »

Originally posted by DrThunder88:
You saw the planet(oid) that splattered on the PE Ship's forward viewport.  Couldn't those stars be mini-stars in some mini-system? 

Could work but because of the small size they would not have enough energy to continue nuclear fission.

Ohh and just FYI I am not bright in any sense of the word I just know a bit about the life of astars so please do not pelt me with well any thing.

  :rolleyes:   :rolleyes:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #24 on: 01-19-2002 13:50 »

Originally posted by wu_konguk:
 Could work but because of the small size they would not have enough energy to continue nuclear fission.

Stars actually operate by nuclear fusion.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #25 on: 01-19-2002 14:03 »

Well, there still exists the same problem, either way.  If something that small could be a star, we'd be living in a Pentary system (Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus).

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #26 on: 01-19-2002 14:27 »

Maybe I'm not getting this, how do the micro-stars relate to our system?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #27 on: 01-19-2002 14:32 »
« Last Edit on: 01-19-2002 14:32 »

Besides, the smaller the stars, the faster they race through their lifecycle. It would be really incredible difficult for Fry to find that many stars, with that size, at the same point in time and space.

But I guess that's one of the reasons Leela fell for him.   :D

Edit: Damn, my late responses.  ;)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #28 on: 01-19-2002 15:42 »

Microstars can't exist - otherwise we'd have 4 of them in our solar system alone

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #29 on: 01-19-2002 17:37 »

Not if they we're talking abour the scale used in the show.  We'd probably have more than ten.  I'm merely proposing the existence of an anomaly not yet discovered.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #30 on: 01-19-2002 17:39 »

Then I remembered I never proposed the existence of any type of anomaly, I just corrected someone who got their nuclear reactions mixed up.

Urban Legend
« Reply #31 on: 01-20-2002 13:48 »

Originally posted by DrThunder88:
 Stars actually operate by nuclear fusion.

ur um crap. Well at least I remebered that in my A-level exam. And I think it does do fission when the core becomes iron or was it that it becomes endothermic hmm where are my text books


« Reply #32 on: 01-20-2002 15:26 »

Good ol' innocent hearted nerdy disputes.  Oh I'm feelin' it.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #33 on: 01-20-2002 16:46 »

Originally posted by DrThunder88:
 Stars actually operate by nuclear fusion.

The continued chain of Nuclear Fusion on a large scale is kicked off by Nuclear fission, and in larger stars, theoretically speaking there could exist a point where the forces at work internally are fissioning the atoms as well, given that the intense energy and gravity generated by a star would almost certainly provide the same force upon the atoms as an A-Bomb blast. This would only work in seriously huge-ass stars, (the kind that do a Black-Hole job on "death&quot ;) but would theoretically work. It would also provide the star with more atoms to fuse, and be a self recycling star if both occured at the same rate.

Fusion inside, Fission further out, Fusion inside, technically possible to have infinite-percent Fuel Efficiency.

I got some of that from a crack-ass stupid weird web page, and some of it from an old textbook I never returned to my school.

So feel free to point out any flaws.

I make no claim that any of the above is technically valid, but it sounds good 'n right.

Urban Legend
« Reply #34 on: 01-21-2002 05:46 »

Sounds about right exept you can only have 100% effiency from a system at absolute zero (-273 c). Come to think of it those stars could have been neutron stars which can be a few 100km in size but have a huge gravitational field.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #35 on: 02-09-2002 15:28 »

Yeah, in that case so many in such close proximity would cause them to collide, and stimulate a gravitational collapse >>> Black Hole Time!

Urban Legend
« Reply #36 on: 02-09-2002 15:33 »

Technically, since the stars were only in that position for a week or so, thats how long it would be seen on earth, but not for many years.

Space Pope
« Reply #37 on: 02-09-2002 16:30 »

Your forgetting that scientists increaced the speed of light in 2208

Urban Legend
« Reply #38 on: 02-09-2002 20:53 »

Ahh thats right. I think it takes 8 years for the light of the closest stars to reach us, so someone else can do the math, cause I'm not.

Bending Unit
« Reply #39 on: 02-09-2002 23:09 »
« Last Edit on: 02-09-2002 23:09 »

The closest star is proxima centauri, 4.22 LY away; there are 10 stars about 8 LY away.

And you could very well have a star on the same screen as the PE ship; the ship could easily have been as far away from the sun as mercury and you could have a star that appeared very large, but still fit a relatively small object on the screen.  Or am I not understanding something?
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