

Maybe deep in the bowels of hell, in Fox's corporate offices, someone will see this.....that futurama still has popularity, so bring the friggin show back already. Then again maybe it is simply their plan to torment us by reminding us of what we have lost and will never have again.
Futurama Nerd


Yay! I want to see that commercial now. Futurama is still getting noticed.


well, the big issue with family guy being cancelled was that it was the most offensive cartoon ever to be aired on network television. which is why I loved it. Futurama....well, I guess people just stopped watching. I know I got into the show bigtime postcancellation.
As for the commercial, it was funny the first 2 times, but I saw it (along with that stupid Anna Nichole Smith ad) about 7 zillion times between 1030 and 2am whilst watching the Surreal Life (oh man, Ron Jeremy is really funny...)


I got the boxset for christmas... OH YEH! That put South Park on normal TV here (channel 4) and show the film every now and then. (This may be completely off topic) :S
Futurama Nerd


I havn't seen it anymore, because it was replaced with the new releases commerical. See my above comment.

DOOP Secretary

Finally, there are people that are noticing that Futurama isn't just a small community, but a larger than a small community community!


or u could just get a job. either way..........


I think that Futurama might come back, if not on fox then on Adult Swim. They said that they had the highest number of viewers ever for Futurama like a few weks ago. And, I hate Family Guy. How could a show like that get back on the air and not Futurama. They stole Futurama's place!!!

DOOP Secretary

Um, no. Actually, it would be harder for [as] to make new shows than Fox. Fox holds the production rights to Futurama. If [as] wanted to make new shows, they'd have to both buy the rights and pay for the cost of the show. And Futurama has good hope, being that the DVD sales are pretty high on Amazon and they have the best ratings on [as]. But Fox doesn't really care. If you haven't heard, Fox is thinking about getting rid of Arrested Devolpment, which is a great show itself. And Fox is the same company that brings you...[drumroll]The Simple Life.