LA never changed, all the kids had guns "as pointed out by Fry" but I thought it was the south that never changed "as mentioned by Brian in Family Guy" Someone clear that up?
Indeed. I think the joke was supposed to be that L.A is pretty much the same as it is now 1000 years in the future.
My theory is that all the fg around L.A. created some sort of a protective bubble over hollywood keeping it from being destroyed by anything or anyone. and therefore it was a healthy little place, yup....it makes complete sense.....quit looking at me like that!
Simple: The whole TCW episode was a dream, and Fry actually never met Paully Shore.
Ahem i said id go with the bubble fog now someone please close this thread for the good of man robot and alienkind
ienough is enough. close this one for the good of the previously listed
here's a question: When fry is battling the kid during the skateboarding contest, why are there cars there??? with wheels??? in the year 3000 when no one from planet express had even heard of the wheel (Mother's Day) and all of the cars in New New York were hover cars?
also i like the random ending with fry falling to his death....could the whole thing be a dream, or is it like the ending of "War is the H-Word" where the bomb blows at the end - just a random event to confuse and amuse us all?
Maybe Hollywood isnt in LA anymore?
maybe doctor strangeloves doomsday device hit L.A after lying dormant and hollywood was guarded by the bubble fog. that makes sense right also dont use daria character round me
Delivery Boy
it's a cartoon.
« Reply #30 on: 01-23-2005 01:31 »
« Last Edit on: 02-02-2005 00:00 »
Originally posted by Grim: Maybe Hollywood isnt in LA anymore? I like that. "The old planet express crew were hired to move the entire district a few hundred kms up the road. Then, due to the fame it brought them, they were hired to get space honey for the Prime Minister of Norway. (Who had a fetish for space honey at the time). The rest is history. When they failed to return, the PM of Norway went to the prof. to complain. Just after declaring that he had decided to sue (He had paid in advance, and was angry), he mysteriously died. (Possibly a certain Jamaican Beaurocrat who knew that PE couldn't afford the court case). His arm fell behind the couch, and Bender found it and picked it up years later. Behind the couch he also found 3 pennies and a half-chewed sock." EDIT--- What, no comments?
ok slayercrazy has the best idea i want this thread closed