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Re-Check/Weird Scenes
Think you saw something strange in the last episode. Post it here. This includes Alien Alphabet findings.
Admins:  Ubermods:  Moderators: futurefreak, ~FazeShift~
Subject Replies Views Started by Last post
Pages: 1 ... 34 35 36 [37] 38 39 40 ... 58
A Taste Of Freedom Error 13 1142 Woodbot 2.0 03-17-2004 15:30
by winna
Kegelcizer, I had to look it up. 21 7825 drunkenangel 03-16-2004 02:02
by Ranadok
Crimes Of The Hot 7 1115 krokerjoker 03-16-2004 01:52
by Ranadok
Small Mistake in Future Stock 2 1066 futuramafreak 03-16-2004 00:14
by ActionLaPointe
A Hint never used, why not? 9 1137 Shaucker 03-14-2004 01:45
by Ranadok
Ad in 2ACV09 18 1336 Leandro 03-12-2004 12:43
by Nixorbo
Freedom Day 21 1920 Pig+Wool~Sheep 03-10-2004 19:44
by John C
If Zapp's Weight got larger 5 2362 Woodbot 2.0 03-09-2004 11:57
by Kryten
small mistake? who cares really... 27 1322 ActionLaPointe 03-08-2004 20:13
by ActionLaPointe
Little Joke on the Writers' Behalf 7 1490 Zeep 03-08-2004 17:59
by Mouse On Venus
History after year 3000 27 2089 QueenOfRobonia 03-07-2004 16:30
by Woodbot 2.0
How did Bender get so fat? 30 5119 Woodbot 2.0 03-05-2004 21:49
by victor2000
Fr's opera... 16 1387 EspanolBot 03-04-2004 16:48
by victor2000
« 1 2 3 »
97 4713 Otis P Jivefunk 03-02-2004 19:25
by TheLampIncident
EspanolBot Strikes Again! 2 984 EspanolBot 03-02-2004 10:44
by Nixorbo
Futurama recycles Simpson jokes 6 1463 fryfanSpyOrama 02-29-2004 14:16
by Nixorbo
Unknown Chick: who is it?? 13 1159 odyon 02-28-2004 13:25
by Teral
How does time work
« 1 2 »
40 2312 bender+fry 02-26-2004 19:09
by bender+fry
Is it really possibleto walk underwater?
« 1 2 »
41 2337 squidORlobster 02-26-2004 11:05
by theZoid88
proffesers age error 11 1136 rule brittannia 02-25-2004 00:45
by winna
They're Always Drawing Themselves... 5 1010 Gorky 02-22-2004 23:20
by ActionLaPointe
Bend-URL 11 1236 Mouse On Venus 02-22-2004 19:30
by hobojobo
When Aliens Attack 20 1361 futuramafreak 02-22-2004 00:54
by futuramafreak
Who is Bender's real Mom? 5 1278 Woodbot 2.0 02-21-2004 10:27
by Teral
On the word "cyclops" 11 1136 Shaucker 02-19-2004 04:35
by Mattybwoy
Pages: 1 ... 34 35 36 [37] 38 39 40 ... 58
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