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Re-Check/Weird Scenes
Think you saw something strange in the last episode. Post it here. This includes Alien Alphabet findings.
Admins:  Ubermods:  Moderators: futurefreak, ~FazeShift~
Subject Replies Views Started by Last post
Pages: 1 ... 50 51 52 [53] 54 55 56 ... 58
X-mas year wrong? 8 1377 WyldOne 03-27-2002 12:46
by Kryten
Does Leela look like Kenny in Bird-bot? 9 1758 jasonlevine 03-26-2002 23:09
by Just Chris
Roswell that ends well...or does it? 12 1399 Delta-V 03-26-2002 21:21
by meisterPOOP
leela with two eyes sightings 12 1485 JoJo 03-25-2002 21:10
by VelourFog
Strange Questions 20 1569 transgender nerd under canada 03-24-2002 07:06
by Oni Zyxer
Al1 in a pharoah to remember 20 1822 McGrady 03-24-2002 06:43
by Oni Zyxer
The US presidents heads 22 2088 JoJo 03-19-2002 09:51
by Just Chris
Al Gore in Futurama and The Simpsons 18 6349 Code Green 03-17-2002 14:34
by Kryten
Amazon Women 14 1729 Fat Bot 03-16-2002 08:06
by ProcreatoryHead
The cab's sign in the credits 17 1742 McGrady 03-12-2002 06:27
by meisterPOOP
Leaning tower(s) of Pisa?? 12 1711 tome 03-11-2002 15:00
by JoJo
From "Put Your Head On My Shoulder" 24 1843 BrainSluggo 03-10-2002 23:55
by Kryten
Bender, was he a bending Unit?
« 1 2 »
40 3075 aslate 03-09-2002 06:56
by JoJo
How many times did binairy language show up? 20 2950 JoJo 03-08-2002 14:44
by JoJo
Something I noticed about Luck of the Fryish 23 1615 Xenomorph 03-06-2002 14:37
by JoJo
Howcumzit? "Parasites Lost" 8 1831 BrainSluggo 03-05-2002 16:07
by BrainSluggo
Fry's Oxygen Mask 24 1807 aslate 03-05-2002 14:06
by aslate
Suicide booths
« 1 2 »
40 3296 chumpette 03-05-2002 10:59
by Nixorbo
AL3 In Where the Buggalo Roam!?! 1 1314 Chump 03-03-2002 20:10
by McGrady
Wacky What If Theory 27 1729 Oni Zyxer 02-28-2002 02:44
by DrThunder88
Career chips n' peace officers 19 1592 Just Chris 02-23-2002 08:50
by Citizen77
No one knows AL1? 9 1435 MuscaDomestica 02-22-2002 22:00
by VelourFog
Fry and Leela's "Engagement." 18 1833 Xenomorph 02-22-2002 13:57
by Nixorbo
I saw something in Time keeps on a slippin' 26 1628 Lucas 02-21-2002 22:59
by Nixorbo
Whatever happened to "The Bender B. Rodriguez Orphanarium"? 9 1962 Kryten 02-20-2002 13:23
by Slavon
Pages: 1 ... 50 51 52 [53] 54 55 56 ... 58
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