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Re-Check/Weird Scenes
Think you saw something strange in the last episode. Post it here. This includes Alien Alphabet findings.
Admins:  Ubermods:  Moderators: futurefreak, ~FazeShift~
Subject Replies Views Started by Last post
Pages: 1 ... 48 49 50 [51] 52 53 54 ... 58
What the hell is "soylent green"?!?
« 1 2 »
57 10586 Robotany 500 08-26-2002 05:05
by slimmyCGEF
Fry's Facial Hair 16 7637 Joe25 08-06-2002 23:13
by Kryten
Bender and his stolen money
« 1 2 3 »
82 4842 DespT 08-02-2002 09:02
by Ben
Bender has gone to college, high school and worked at planet express in four years? 26 1614 bartman 07-26-2002 18:37
by Nixorbo
Kiff and Amy 6 2884 Guy 07-25-2002 17:59
by bartman
Can Fry fly the ship? 15 1553 Heliotrope 07-20-2002 18:54
by Javier Lopez
Was that Dwight? 19 1410 Speli 07-18-2002 13:25
by Timo
Stuff in Where No Fan Has Gone Before
« 1 2 »
64 4340 blahness 07-15-2002 15:04
by Apogee
How do Bender's eyes show emotion? 26 2048 Xenomorph 07-15-2002 13:53
by Binder
Hi Fry, Leela!
« 1 2 »
41 3578 chumpette 07-12-2002 23:49
by haleys_comet
A Leela of Her Own -- closed captioning oddity 14 1731 Kryten 07-09-2002 00:38
by Kryten
Robot Devil 16 1628 Chump 07-05-2002 08:35
by Melllvar
Amy's parents and Kif 13 3091 RandomEngy 07-03-2002 11:14
by Chump
hermes in "raging bender" 25 1495 bartman 06-16-2002 18:15
by transgender nerd under canada
DVD/VHS COVER LEELA HOLDING MANUAL UPSIDE DOWN 29 1657 AstroZombie 06-14-2002 12:01
by bartman
A Pharoah to Remember 23 1642 Delta-V 06-09-2002 20:03
by static
AL phrase translations archived anywhere? 4 1270 payn 06-07-2002 17:30
by PainoMan
Blooper in Godfellas 32 1606 PCC Fred 06-01-2002 16:59
by payndz
Bender and the toilet 14 1901 ghoulishmoose 05-16-2002 18:40
by static
Little Help? Clean Title Card 12 1620 BrainSluggo 05-08-2002 16:48
by BrainSluggo
Egyptology 7 1419 Radijs 05-06-2002 10:22
by Torquemada
A missing word in " Clone of my own" 38 1519 ghoulishmoose 05-05-2002 15:53
by Chump
Anthology of Interest 2 7 1223 newDeliveryBoy 05-02-2002 08:37
by ghoulishmoose
Errors in Where the buggalo roam
« 1 2 »
47 2851 McGrady 05-01-2002 18:43
by Chump
What the hell is that supposed to mean...I don't know 22 1688 meisterPOOP 05-01-2002 15:17
by payndz
Pages: 1 ... 48 49 50 [51] 52 53 54 ... 58
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