
Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by Speli: Any member from the clan: Duh, they're all idiots
I'll just assume you're talking about me. SpeliSammyXStuartB- Because the bottle told me to.


NibblerJr TheLesbianLeela Kip

DOOP Secretary

SammyXD Zed 85 Evan


SammyX Jeremy Nurdy, whatever...
El Zilcho


Pitt Clemens LAN.gnome and SXD

DOOP Ubersecretary
Originally posted by canned eggs: Most of those people are ineligible. And Fazeshift, I thought you were backing me? Oh, that was if Jeremermry didn't win. I did, didn't I. My bad. Now you better win!!

DOOP Secretary

Remember Sammy's jacket.


Originally posted by newhook_1: Coop I've enjoyied some of the discussions we've had about wrestling stuff. I will never be as big a fan as he is though.
Thats so nice of you. Some one finally nominates Coop!
Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #62 on: 01-01-2004 03:55 »
« Last Edit on: 01-01-2004 03:55 »
Nibbler Jr. SXD Canned Eggs
Reasons: Nibbler: C'ause he's my little buster, it's ATAMOSK to you. Next topic. SXD: because He's cool, a brit, and needs this more than anyone on the boards. Canned Eggs: Nominated me, I nominate him, cool avy, has participated in PEELfest and gives some propper discussion over topics rather than being a spam-man
Runners up: El Zilcho for his respect to Home Movies, LAN for being omnipresent, Asylum-Fry who's still posing like it's her year of Jubilee.
the (smi)shitlist[i.e. where's my nod?]: Nix, Capper have you neglected your fellow Houghtonite? Any poster on the anime board: Kuso! Baka! Kusoyaro! Watashi wa ichiban! TLL/VF: come on I'm not that much of an insensative machismo bastard...well...OK, maybe I'll write some poetry and get back to you.
Just kidding. Best of luck to the noms and happy new year to all.

DOOP Secretary

Well, most of my PEEL-related time this month has been devoted to the PEELie Awards, which was just as well, as my beloved offtopic has become increasingly uninteresting.
Despite my absense I'll nominate: LANny-Boy Sammy Alex ...but only because they seemed to be doing well in previous months.
El Zilcho


Originally posted by Pitt Clemens: Runners up: El Zilcho for his respect to Home Movies *looks at his avatar* *looks at his nominations* *looks at his two posts in the past month* ... Note to self: Make three posts next month.

DOOP Secretary

Thanks, Tally, but the PEELie noms have already been selected.

My noms for POTM:
LAN_Gnome- Because Oregonians like me and him shall rule Earth one day! HAHAHAHAH- oh wait.
SlaytanicMaggot- because I'm an egotistical bastard, that's why! HAHAHAH!
DrThunder88- One word: Sarcasm. HAHHAHAHSHAH!!!!1

xmpel - Because he helped me write a thrilling film script about molesting. Rock on. Booze/Bend-err - He speaks good Japanese. I'm not Japanese. But still. Besides, it's about time he won. Lan - for the outrageous peelie voting thing...


NibblerJR Speli Winna

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

DocThunder88 Lionel Hutz Esq LAN.gnome