
DOOP Secretary

This is very tough for me to choose I have nominated Sammy and Melbee and I have met them. They are both really nice and great to talk to. I want to vote for them two but I have to vote for one person.
I have been thinking about it and I going to vote for Melbee. Sorry Sammy. I think Mel should get most votes because she did everything for us at the AGI. She should us which tubes to go too, she also booked for the free buffet and let us in her house.
Sammy I will vote for you next time if you not POTM this month.


*Mel cries with happiness* I've been here a year and the only time I got this many votes was in my first month (I still lost though!). *sob* Thanks all, whether I win or not. I'll continue organising cool agis for everyone at every opportunity. 


Go Mel! Go Mel! You've never ever won? You deserve it this time for being wonderful and for organising AGI! Good Luck!
El Zilcho


Go, Hil! [Rob Schnieder]You can do it![/RS]


Hil, of course cause she's sweet and I like her virtual personality.
Go hil, go

DOOP Secretary

Maybe Christmas, Sammy.


Sorry Jesse, this time it has to be MelBee.

DOOP Secretary

Come on guys vote for Melbee
Rage Dump

Liquid Emperor
Originally "posted" in the chatroom by me <RageDump> well i was going to vote for sammy, but it won't make a difference if i do [sorry Sammy], and i can't make up my mind between mel and Hil, so i'll help the current underdog [currently _hil] 

DOOP Secretary

Sammy X. Because he's pretty dern great. And he keeps Speli's raping apparatus occupied for several hours a day.