
Kipper, you dont know me. And I dont WANNA know you. so get off my case. be original and say something remotely useful. Or even better, why not play this great game called "let me try and stick a screwdriver in my eye". You dont even need a mirror to play.


I assume the winner is going to repay all those who voted for them with sexual favours, hmm tough choice but I'll go with Marg since TMC tells me Archies crap in bed


You watch friends HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Seriously though I never watch friends so I couldn't have ripped it off although I feel ashamed that my jokes are as lame as Friends, I deserve to win WPOTM for that

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by rach_the_tall: Archie. I would vote for Jeremy or TMC, but it won't make any difference. Go ahead throw your vote away! I voted TMC, even in the face of of the Archicrats and Magariticans.

DOOP Secretary

What about me? I should get a PEELie for being this Patient.

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Lurrr: BUT IF ANYONE ELSE VOTES FOR MARG I'LL COME OVER THERE AND BREAK THEIR LEGS!!! Second  I want Archie to win. He 's been here longer than Margarita and erm...some other positive stuff. (No offence Marg) She can take it. It 's one of her strengths. She can just laugh insults away and let them run off her like water off a duck's back. Another good reason to vote for her is that she likes geeks, is good with computers and her English really improved the last few months.

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

Crap. Tied again. Hmm, did I really write all that positive stuff about marg? Jeez, what was I, high or something?


why so many Archie-people write campaign in caps, no better ideas?... Marg speak big words. Lurrr no understand. Lurrr go back to hitting rock.

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by ZombieJesus: Another good reason to vote for her is that she likes geeks, is good with computers and her English really improved the last few months. Originally posted by Margarita: why so many Archie-people write campaign in caps, no better ideas?... Je-sus crapping Christ on a tricycle, WTF was I thinking??

DOOP Secretary

Come on Archie, and where's Mel when you need her?
You can still win this!

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Margarita: ooh somebody definatily have many accounts, because when i get vote, archie gets one immediately. Shocking statement. If we wanted to cheat, it wouldn't be that hard. But, I'm not that sad.

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

MelBee should still vote, and Red5 (?)