Bending Unit
« on: 04-30-2003 15:38 »
I know this qualifies as bitching over something that is meant to be fun, but after missing out for the second month in a row, after having the same score as those at the bottom end of the poll, something needs to be done in the interests of fairness.
Paul suggested an idea, that if any nominations were on the same score and went below the maximum 10 allowed, then all votes and that score got ignored, meaning a small poll, but those on the same score wouldn't miss out, based on the time their last vote was posted.
I don't know what you guys think, but I see it as a fairer option, than basing it on time of last vote, or in this month's case, alphabetical order.
Space Pope
Originally posted by Melllvar:
by CyberKnight: The following people all have 7, so I'm not sure how you pick the 4 of the 5:homerjaysimpson - 7 Impossible - 7 Juliet - 7 Ricky - 7 SB - 7
The general concensus is that the first 4 of those 5 to reach their total of 7 nominations goes in. The remaining one is left to complain.
Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 04-30-2003 15:58 »
« Last Edit on: 04-30-2003 15:58 »
Maybe we should formalize the rules. Thus far, I believe we have: 1) Each poster gets three nominations. 2) Previous winners of POTM are not eligible for nomination. 3) A maximum of ten people are eligible for the final vote. In the event of a tie, all those with the tied score are discounted from that month's poll. Any more that are known? For example, what is the time/date when the nominations are opened, polls opened, etc? Anyway, I'll remember to at least nominate you next month, to make up for my heinous mistake .
'But rules control the fun!'
Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by CyberKnight: Maybe we should formalize the rules. Thus far, I believe we have:
1) Each poster gets three nominations. 2) Previous winners of POTM are not eligible for nomination. 3) A maximum of ten people are eligible for the final vote. In the event of a tie, all those with the tied score are discounted from that month's poll.
4) Don't open the nominations thread until the 1st day of the following month (sorry, but it seems pointless to start niminating on MAy 24th, or something).
DOOP Secretary
Can this thread be closed?
I wondered if someone would start a thread like this. I know my chances of ever winning are something between 0 and .01, so I'm just arbiter for fair play.
I like the look of the 2 new rules, if they can be enforced and tried out next month, then we'll have a better idea, if my proposal after last months spat, has any merit.
Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by SB:
Melllvar agreed that all of us on 7 should have been discounted this month, after me, Ricky and Zed missed out last month under this rule. So I accept he's forgotten the change he agreed to, but I still stick with the rule change come into next months and be written down somewhere. I didn't miss out because of that rule, I missed out because someone couldn't count I think we debated a rule saying something like "In the event of a tie, the first nominee who reached (7) nominations, is included in the poll. And then the second one to reach that number of nominations is included in the poll and so on until the final poll is complete". Instead of sorting the posters alphabetically, you would sort them chronologically - thus making the selection a little more 'random' and fair when deciding who gets the final spot(s) in the poll.
Liquid Emperor
And a quick comment to the time question. I think the nomination process should start a few days BEFORE the month is over, and the poll itself opens the first day of the next month. I really don't believe posts made between the 28th and the 30th of April could change the outcome of the nomination process - and besides, all the decent awards' nominations work that way. Even though the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize isn't decided until the end of the year, the nomination of candidates ends in February! ...And, I hasten to add, I think the Nobel Peace Prize is the best comparison to POTM
Hahaha, that's rich...
*sits back and watches as all the newbies govern the functioning of Poster of the Month*
PEEL has reached a new era.
DOOP Secretary
It is odd that we get far more complaints now than we did when we had the "nominate and second" system where the ten nominees were often selected in a couple of hours and most people didn't have any say on the matter.
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #26 on: 05-01-2003 03:39 »
« Last Edit on: 05-01-2003 03:39 »
Originally posted by SB: Melllvar agreed that all of us on 7 should have been discounted this month, after me, Ricky and Zed missed out last month under this rule. So I accept he's forgotten the change he agreed to, but I still stick with the rule change come into next months and be written down somewhere. Since when did whatever I say carry any weight? What am I, a moderator? General consesus means that it's agreed by more than one person. Although I said that I thought that Paul's suggestion was a good one, I DID NOT say that it should be put into practice, and since I've already been slagged for taking this thing too seriously, I think that it should stay as it is. ...and you should learn to accept the rules as they are. We have had this debate many times before.
hahahahahhaha I love watching internet nerds bitching around this time of the month, strange how this happens at this every month like clockwork its like one big peel period
DOOP Secretary
a PEELiod?