DOOP Secretary
More nominating, less sucking please, if I wasn't feeling lazy now I'd delete it.
Space Pope
For those that want to talk about fucking, there's the: Who Do You Want To F*** The Most? Thread For those that want to talk about sucking, there's the: Curious About Anatomy Thread For those that want to talk about life sucking, there's the: Life Sucks Thread. Now please, less spam in the nominations thread. Each person should make one post. Oh, and try to refrain from everyone doing a count-up at the same time!
« Reply #126 on: 04-29-2003 19:57 »
« Last Edit on: 04-29-2003 19:57 »
holy crap! I've been nominated! how the hell did this happen?!?? man oh man! that was totally unexpected... I know it's only one vote, but whoa. I'm gobsmacked. *** reads back *** whoaaa... Gocad, you the man, you the DON!
DOOP Secretary
Hi Now the votes looks like this:
MelBee 13 Nurdbot 11 Archie2K 11 LesbianLeela 10 Nixorbo 10 Margarita 8 Juliet 7 Homerjaysimpson 7 Ricky 7 SB 7 Zed 85 6 Impossible 6 PCCFred 6 Jeremy 6 Gocad 6 Aslate 4 Speli 4 Totalnerduk 3 Ghoulishmoose 2 Aleel 2 Hawk 2 Drippy_Cupcake getak2003 The Baz Evan FazeShift Kip Chalic Lee Roberts TheMadCapper DrThunder88 Faze Mayat
DOOP Secretary
There are 3 hours left on this thread, and from Juliet's count these are the (clear) final ten:
MelBee 13 Nurdbot 11 Archie2K 11 LesbianLeela 10 Nixorbo 10 Margarita 8 Juliet 7 Homerjaysimpson 7 Ricky 7 SB 7
Space Pope
« Reply #132 on: 04-30-2003 07:30 »
« Last Edit on: 04-30-2003 07:30 »
My count: MelBee 12 Archie2K 11 Nurdbot 11 LesbianLeela 10 Nixorbo 10 Margarita 8 Juliet 7 Impossible 7 homerjaysimpson 7 Ricky 7 ------- SB 7 Jeremy 6 PCC Fred 6 Seems the only person we disagreed on was Impossible. I've counted back and she did indeed get 7 votes, from Juliet, Aleel, Lee Roberts, ghoulishmoose, kip, Sweetmelly and Hawk. 3 hours left to find any errors in that list peoples EDIT: MelBee has 12, not 11. My mistake.
Urban Legend
I've got a spreadsheet of all the nominators, and who they nominated (XLS format). Located at: www.angelfire.com/space2/cyberknight/AprilPOTM2003.xls By my count, the top ten are as follows: MelBee - 12 Nurdbot - 12 Archie2k - 11 Nixorbo - 10 TheLesbianLeela - 10 Margarita - 8 The following people all have 7, so I'm not sure how you pick the 4 of the 5: homerjaysimpson - 7 Impossible - 7 Juliet - 7 Ricky - 7 SB - 7 So my top ten is the same as yours, Archie - except Nurdbot got an extra vote (I think).
DOOP Secretary
Woo! Now I'm 50% of the way to doing my naked dance. Or something.
DOOP Secretary
I'm still going to lose, I'm against Mel and Daniela.
DOOP Secretary
Ok I won't be here till tonight so I just say good look to you all that going to make it to the poll and stuff.
I try and be here when I'm in college.
DOOP Secretary
They're all beloved and cherished posters. Originally posted by CyberKnight: The following people all have 7, so I'm not sure how you pick the 4 of the 5:
homerjaysimpson - 7 Impossible - 7 Juliet - 7 Ricky - 7 SB - 7
The general concensus is that the first 4 of those 5 to reach their total of 7 nominations goes in. The remaining one is left to complain.
DOOP Secretary
Which makes the final 10:
MelBee - 12 Nurdbot - 12 Archie2k - 11 Nixorbo - 10 TheLesbianLeela - 10 Margarita - 8 homerjaysimpson - 7 Impossible - 7 Juliet - 7 Ricky - 7
....and time's up. You can make the poll.