Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
All power to the Zoidberg avatars!
DOOP Secretary
What about the Nurdbot avatar.I voted for you,Give me a crumb of praise!!.
DOOP Secretary
What..??..A slice a bread.This is an outrage.We will revolt if our demands are not met.
TWO slices of bread and Some Polish cheese.
Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary
First they ask you for a crumb, the next thing you know they 're not even happy with a whole slice. Have this Brie instead.
*please close this*
DOOP Secretary
Brie..?..I have no Idea what it is but I am sure happy as hell to have it and the bread.
Viva La ZombieJesus!!!!
DOOP Secretary
WHAT..?? Fellow PEELer's,Zeej is giving his fellow voters old cheese..we demand a bribe or we will revolt.
commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
An early congrats to ZJ. Well done (finally). May we share an unspoken bond from now on...
Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by aslate: Brie is a very soft squishy cheese, which smells like puke, rotting cabbages or both as it ages and gets older. I like it, but the smell really is nasty! Brie rules! Originally posted by ZombieJesus: *Gives Nurdbot a whole slice of bread. Wow, what a holy man ZJ rules! ::goes voting:: ::voted:: :: makes a party with drinking too much ice tea:: ------------------------------------------- Schwäbisch regeld, hajo, so isch des!
DOOP Secretary
Time for the thread to die,Come on Kryten make certian Commie-Bot Happy
commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
Grandpa Simpson: "My son is not a communist! He may be a liar, a cheater, a communist, but he is not a porn star! "
DOOP Secretary
That's been done 2 times.
Does anyone feel like closing it?
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Ben: Commie-bot? Oh please... I'll make you 2nd in Command and give you 55% of our sales.Your apathetic and rude enough so it fit's you like a worn hand garmet.
DOOP Secretary
Originally posted by Loki: Does anyone feel like closing it? I do. Congratulations ZombieJesus