
DOOP Secretary

Now, now, tnuk--to be fair, this is by no means the worst PEEL's ever been. In fact, it seems we've actually managed to, uh, flush a fair number of shitlords out of here in the past few months, which has made it a moderately more pleasant place to be.
On that note, noms:
Motor Oil Josh Tachyon

Urban Legend
Uh, hrmmmm. Gorky, because she's back and I love her style. Tachyon because he's undeniably wonderful. Motor Oil for her knowledge of vaginas, which is only matched by my own.

DOOP Secretary

Motor Oil Josh Tachyon

DOOP Secretary

Gorky km73 Motor Oil

DOOP Secretary

to be fair, this is by no means the worst PEEL's ever been. In fact, it seems we've actually managed to, uh, flush a fair number of shitlords out of here in the past few months, which has made it a moderately more pleasant place to be. I was going to say, I've barely had to do anything moderatoresque in the last month or so. I drop by, things seem to be getting along pretty well, I comment in few threads, and then I'm off to my next great internet adventure! This place is a hotbed of raging shitlords. Shitlords we may be (I think Nibbs called me one once, so there's definitely an emerging pattern), but apparently shitlords are pretty OK at not getting into gigantic spats, derailing threads, calling each other names, and so on. We're probably just too busy. Shit needs SOMEONE to lord over it, and that's a full-time job right there.

Space Pope
Ooh, three noms in both my first full month back, and my first month eligible again?? And will apparently maketh the poll too?.. WhoaCool. That'll be a new thing, that I haven't experienced in a year! Appreciate it, Tack, Tweak and tyrant-iak! -Apparently I test well with the Ts!  I'll nominate three random people 
km73 Tachyon FutureFreak
I would hardly call that a list of "random people."
Tweeko knows what he's doing :3 HE LIVED IN CHIPPING NORTON ONCE -- ..Oh, I haven't nommed in this in ages, but I did definitely want to nom (and nom-nom-nom) winna for his awesomesauce* awesometacular birthday gif(t). :> *and winja knows all about 'sauce', and healthy purple berries too, of course

DOOP Secretary

I didn't even know you could start POTM thread, if you're not a mod. It has been done before, so I assumed it could be done again, but I won't complain if this is not the case.
It's definitely okay for a non-mod to create the nomination thread, but it's usually best for a mod to create the poll. I speak from experience: one month I made the poll, and I fucked it up spectacularly and then needed a mod's help to right my wrong. On that note: Can we get a mod up in dis bitch to make us a poll? I doubt there will be any more nominations at this point.

DOOP Secretary

No poll. Everything will just rot as it is.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Did no one seriously make a poll? Sorry guys, I have been having a very rough week, two family members in nursing homes, two took nasty falls, etc...but anyways, it's so late in the game, I will just add a poll to this thread. BECAUSE I CAN SAID THE ALL POWERFUL FUTUREFREAKY

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

I think I saw 11 different nominees, 8 with more than one nomination. No one vote for option 5 or you will be banned (no, seriously, I wasn't even around to make the poll, again sorry!!)
If this happens again though and the mods are too busy being under deep cover or away fighting dragons, I trust you all to abide by the rules and make a poll yourself. It is pretty self explanatory here. HERE WE GO IT'S VOTIN TIIIIIIMEE

DOOP Secretary

My vote goes to Josh.

DOOP Secretary

Two long-lost-recently-returned Peelers... I kasteth my voteclick for... km73...