
Urban Legend
What on earth could Meerkat be requesting money for from his kids that they wouldn't approve of, for which he would be justified in expecting them to do so?
Ingredients for some sort of dessert? He clearly has an addiction, Josh.

DOOP Secretary

That can't be winna. Too coherent.

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DOOP Ubersecretary
That can't be winna.Too coherent.That can't be winna.Too coherent.That can't be winna.Too coherent.That can't be winna.That can't be winna.Too coherent.

DOOP Secretary

Attack of the mental reverb...

DOOP Secretary

Cool emoji, winna!

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DOOP Ubersecretary

DOOP Secretary

I just drove down the highway hanging halfway out the window like the joker. Can't particularly say that I was sober or the roads were good, but at least I wasn't bored. 

DOOP Secretary

Today I saw a flock of ducks swimming around in a pool in a dip in the ground on the bump on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. It was very cute until I mentioned duck penises and gang rape.

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DOOP Ubersecretary
Well, given that Futurama's current run has been as follows:
* 5 seasons that are actually 4 seasons. * 4 movies that are actually 1 season. * 4 seasons that are actually 2 seasons.
I think the next logical step is 2 seasons that are actually 50 toddlers wearing a giant trenchcoat.

DOOP Secretary

Yeah, I just need to drop 25-30 pounds and build up a bit of endurance -- easily doable by August.
Endurance for WHAT? 
Strapping himself down onto huge powerful mechanisms that will subject his body to incredible, thrilling, adrenaline-pumping somewhat dangerous forces. Duh.
Also, he might go on some rides at the amusement park.

DOOP Secretary

The motions of breathing are basically the same movements as sexual intercourse: in, out, in, out, in... etc. Therefore, on a daily basis, the air of our planet's atmosphere is basically fucking your lungs out. And your lungs tell the air, "I love you!" with every provocative, sensational breath, waiting for that next beautiful moment of exhale, inhale, exhale... etc.

DOOP Secretary

What ultra-detailed sonograms! Also, cute crocheted bonnet 
Thanks, Tach! I am currently 60 weeks pregnant. She made the bonnet herself, in utero.

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DOOP Ubersecretary
What's a spam post?!!!!!!!!!1!1!!1!!!11111!1!!one!!!!!!!1!1!1?

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DOOP Ubersecretary
Here's my entry. Warning, it's really saucy. I'm not wearing any clothes.

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DOOP Ubersecretary
No, it's primarily Freako complaining about my face on women's bodies.

DOOP Secretary

You shot Kennedy and wrote a Jack Colquitt novel?
And I quietly stand in corners chain smoking cigarettes, and I brazenly walk about the world as if any place I might be is precisely where I'm supposed to be.
I can also empathize with cancer man. He's actually not nearly half the monster he's made out to be. He's actually a victim and a product of the society we live in, and deep down he has to live fully knowing the ramifications of his sins, the endless blood on his hands. What made him different from your average 7-11 store clerk is that he had the testicles to take on those responsibilities, and what makes him different from your average murdering psychopath is that deep down he knows and cannot lie to himself about the fact that in reality he is a coward. In those regards, he has a noble side, if only for the fact that he accepts the fact that he is merely another gear in the machine that is civilization, a significantly powerful gear on the world stage, yet merely a gear none the less.

DOOP Secretary

Very poetic! There's so much out there as this blue world we call Earth and its lunar sidekick circle the star we call Sun amidst the cold dark abyss...just add this one to the list.
"lunar sidekick" is brilliant 

DOOP Secretary

Holy crap dude, how did Tachy even know to write that??? :eel:
Shit iiiiis crazy!

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DOOP Ubersecretary

DOOP Secretary

If I can live in my own place virtually alone, there is hope for anybody.
I can live in my own place virtually alone (my cat counts as sort of a roomie, right?)
And if I can manage that on a PEEL moderator's salary, surely anyone else who only earns $2 million per year could too!
Your cat counts as the homeowner. You're his foodslave.

DOOP Secretary

Very nice, dal! Though I do wonder what the landlord would think of his property being hosed down with dog urine on a regular basis...
Better than cat urine, at least. That stuff STINKS.
Dog urine. My urine. I'm gonna keep him guessing.

DOOP Secretary

...(a discount for which I am still eligible because I am, like, cashier emeritus or something)...

DOOP Secretary

Now I'm sad because I'll probably never get to taste a triceratops.
It would probably taste like chicken.

DOOP Secretary

Thereby completing my mission and ending this galactic joke called humanity.
A very odd thing just showed up in my email, Nibbs. It surprised the hell out of me:


DOOP Secretary

Still not as creepy as the fact that Australia has entire ecosystems that are basically the collective nightmares of humanity made flesh.
You mean Australians?

DOOP Secretary

Apple makes pie now? I gotta get in line for that!
It's six times as expensive as normal pie, but oh man do people eat it up.
Well played, Nibbs. Well played.

Urban Legend
Aw. Worst day of my LIFE.
Eh. I'll get over it.

DOOP Secretary

Romantic subplots are almost always pointless. *cough* TheHobbit *cough*
Romantic subplots are always always pointless.
Personally, I think they're never never pointless.
Leave my stupid fingers alone! 
Motor Oil

Starship Captain
This is what I imagine Shiny's Facebook feed looks like:
