
Liquid Emperor
Ugh. I keep forgetting to nom leiapadme77 because I always assume she's won already! Curse you you ill-managed memory! Bah. 
Nope!! I've never won!!  I nom: JoshTheater: For his amusing rants, finally getting a driver's license and also for starting this thread. winna: For being winna. Always a witty response. dr_perceptron For actually doing something on PEEL!! And the same reasons Tnuk nominated him, except for the fact that his argument was extremely valid and true. 
transgender nerd under canada

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« Reply #41 on: 08-05-2011 10:26 »
« Last Edit on: 08-05-2011 11:23 by totalnerduk »
NBThis is not meant to sound angry or exasperated, nor is it meant to be any sort of a dressing-down against anybody in particular. It's a response to a leading and provocative sentance fragment, and such may appear to be in that tone, but it's intended to be informative rather than anything else.dr_perceptron For actually doing something on PEEL!! And the same reasons Tnuk nominated him, except for the fact that his argument was extremely valid and true. 
I take it that you didn't see my response then. Look, seriously, the discussion is pretty much dead. Don't try to resurrect it with little remarks like that. I fully respect that your opinions may differ from mine, however, I also know thanks to repeatedly coming across inconsistencies with reality in said opinions that you don't always have a clear and unbiased picture. You tend to resort to rather bitchy sniping and emotional responses in order to try and "win" a debate here. Your husband, on the other hand, manages to engage in debate (whether he's right or wrong being irrelevant) without the "win or die" mentality that's so common around here (I won't claim I'm immune to it either), and has technical knowledge that he can use effectively to help him structure a point that doesn't involve implying his "opponent" is a basement-dwelling child with no knowledge or experience of the world outside. That is why he got a nomination from me for Poster of the Month, and why you didn't. I know you think I've got some sort of grudge or "beef" with you, but really I just have an issue with people who make statements which I can prove to be utter hogwash - or who justify their opinions first with rather weak arguments that have a stack of evidence to contradict them and then later with vicious insults and supposition. Those are not the kind of posters that get a nomination from me... even though I might actually get along with them IRL.Hopefully this has been an illuminating insight into how to get a POTM nomination from tnuk. If not, don't worry. There are plenty of people with less strict criteria as to what makes a quality poster. Some of them will nominate you on the strength of what you post in the pic thread, for example.  So, when's the poll coming up? I've got an itch in my voting finger.

salutatory committee member
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« Reply #42 on: 08-05-2011 11:04 »
« Last Edit on: 08-05-2011 11:08 »
I tend to nominate people I like. I guess I have low standards.  I really wish SpaceMaN, leiapadme77, NibblonianLeader, and DannyJC13 would win already. I feel bad having to rotate names every month to try and be fair and then end up leaving someone out  BTW that poll won't be up for at least another 18 hours depending on what time zone we follow (it's always the states though  )

DOOP Secretary

Well, current standings are:
8 SpaceGoldfish 6 DrThunder88 5 coldangel_1 5 winna 5 Josh 3 TMC 2 tallywhacker 2 spaceman 2 danny 2 freako 2 dr_percepton 2 nibs 1 coffeeebot 1 sammy 1 archie 1 faze 1 fyp 1 meisterPOOP 1 wu_kong 1 lobstermooch 1 melll 1 gopher
Either make a a 10 person cut and include not all with 2 noms (last 2 to get their 2nd were dr_percepton and nibs). Or cut off after TMC and make it a 6 person poll.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
I tend to nominate people I like. I guess I have low standards. 
I really wish SpaceMaN, leiapadme77, NibblonianLeader, and DannyJC13 would win already.
Y'see, this is what I'm talking about. If any of them impresses me during the month, I'll nominate then whether I like them or not. If none of them impress me during the month, I'll give my nominations to people who do... whether I like them or not. Voting, on the other hand... I'll often ignore the people I don't actually like (if any made it on. There are perhaps surpisingly few PEElers I have an active dislike for), and vote for the person who's impressed me most out of the ones I do like. I can appreciate this may seem a little ass-backwards, but I figure that as long as people are nominating the best elegible posters for the given time period rather than just their "board friends", then it's fair. I mean, if the options are already for the ten best, then I'm justified in playing favourites by voting one of the ten best as my pick for POTM. Assuming coldangel makes it onto the poll, I'll probably be casting my vote for him - though I reserve the right to change my mind. I do sometimes pick a voting option purely on the month's merit, and looking through the poll list sometimes provides me with somebody I hadn't considered who I think probably deserves the win.

DOOP Secretary

Nominating on the base that they haven't won yet and are your friends is really not what PotM is for...

Avatar Czar
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« Reply #46 on: 08-05-2011 14:15 »
« Last Edit on: 08-05-2011 18:39 »
I respectfully disagree with half of your sentiment Bend-err.
I validate totalnerduk's method of nominating and voting (almost spelled vomiting for some reason).
In my mind, it's a community recognition thing. In that regard, I try to nominate and vote on people who have never won, because I feel that some of the older regular users already get recognition on multiple levels. I know I've been outvoted in this regard to some large degree, and I'm fine with that because if somebody gets it again every once in awhile, that seems to be recognition of their continued excellence in engaging the hearts and minds of us all; however, I still feel more strongly attached to the idea of having new people win this thing. After all, one need only glance at the quote thread and notice suspiciously that many of the quotes are by the same people. I think this is a combination of those people being good posters, as well as, the fact that they are more likely to be recognized. Seems fodder for a circle jerk. I like that we have a quotations thread now though, even if quotes get put in there that are ineligible for voting on. It's a good thread, that works, and usually makes me giggle at a post a second time, or think about the simple brilliance with which many of the fake accounts on this board interact with each other on a daily basis.

DOOP Secretary

The moment I won PoTM for the first time, any seriousness ascribed to this award vanished.  And I usually vote based on who made the most consistently constructive or hilarious (or, hopefully, both) posts all month. I'll occasionally nominate someone who I would just like to see win because I feel as if they deserve it for their entire PEELing career, or because I like talking to them in #fc or something, regardless of how much posting they've done in that particular month. But usually my nominations change month-to-month, based on who's made the best posts, which is probably how it should be.

DOOP Secretary

Someone close this and start the poll!

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Nominating on the base that they haven't won yet and are your friends is really not what PotM is for...
Check out my nominations this month. Only 1 of those 4 made it to the final 3. I would like to see each one of those posters win for an awesome month they have had either recently or in the past, but I obviously don't nominate purely on what you appear to see as "board friends". They are still all fairly new to me, and they are the right kind of new. Unlike Bender_Is_Great! I think they deserve recognition for that.

DOOP Secretary

Someone close this and start the poll! I pretty sure there are a few more hours left. Maybe.

DOOP Secretary

Someone close this and start the poll! I pretty sure there are a few more hours left. Maybe.
Thread created on: 08-01-2011 07:28 Time now: 08-05-2011 23:26 So 7 more hours?

DOOP Secretary

Sure is, even at this hour  So with weiner's noms it's an 8-person poll now.

DOOP Secretary

Quick, somebody else nominate Jan-Michael Vincent so we can have a 9-person poll!

DOOP Secretary

I got the same results as Josh. Wouldn't have changed who I nominated though.
Especially Jan-Michael Vincent.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Hmmm this should be closed.