
DOOP Secretary

I mostly just watch the show for the bright colors and the swearing.

transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
"You worry about those fighters; I'll worry about the tower!" (And I've been smug about saying it all day). 

DOOP Secretary

This thread just made me realise how terrible a poster I truly am.

DOOP Secretary

Cars, electronics and lesbian sex are basically all I need to survive.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #165 on: 07-28-2011 07:26 »
« Last Edit on: 07-28-2011 07:39 »
Network Execuitves Demand...
Nothing Before Season Six is relevant.
You know what's not formula fiction? Star Trek. No need to prove me wrong in my glass house here!

How does this thread do that? Every time I view it on the homepage, the "Thr- Thr- Thr-" changes to "the previous writer". What kind of black magic is this?
Thr- Thr- Thr- Thrilling!
Yes, big problem I have with Harry Potter that its like Star Wars.


Urban Legend

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
I have no objection to letting them watch once they're old enough to understand what they're watching and they understand what is right and wrong.
We're talking about a 3 year old. A kid who is 2 years too young for kindergarten.
And pointing out that other shows have some aspects of what I point out as adult material fails to address the whole issue. Futurama doesn't just feature violence and references the kiddies won't pick up on. Every episode has cursing. There is no dichotomy between good and bad, and often no consequences when the good guys do bad things.
I'm not saying "OMG Futurama will ruin your child", I'm saying I wouldn't show it to a three year old.

DOOP Secretary

That's what happens if you forget to log out of your fake account.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

A Hyundai is apparently. Out cooled by a Korean car, sad.
To be fair, any car not made by Fisher Price is probably too cool for me.

Space Pope
I don't understand how Svip could run out of food in his homeland. I always just assumed Denmark was made of pastries. Why else would they be called the Danish?
There is a big difference between danish and Danish; capitalisation.
Yeah. Danish don't get stuck between your teeth. Danish do.

Urban Legend
Give up taking showers. Just wait for rain and then go outside.
Bug spray and deodorant need not be two separate purchases.
Dine on free samples at supermarkets. Swipe them all off the tray and into a bag - you cannot be prosecuted since they were offered for free.
Take up smoking and then quit.
Wear the same clothes for a month.
Get out of parking tickets by claiming to be blind - you were unaware that there was a time-limit because the sign is not in Braille.
Homeless people charge far less for sex than professional sex workers.
Affix a rudimentary sail to your car and only drive when it's windy.
Shoplift as often as you can get away with it.
People often carry currency on their person, which is easy to acquire if you incapacitate or kill them.
Impersonate the previous resident of a home you've just moved into to have the power switched back on in his or her name to get free electricity for about a month (this can actually work).
Have friends write up phoney statements of large amounts of money owed by you, to them, then witnessed signing by a Justice of the Peace. You now have legal evidence of dire financial hardship that you can use to gain access to a significant quantity of your superannuation fund despite being under retirement age (I have actually done this).

Urban Legend
Abbot fucked a man? But he hates the gays. 
Covering up questions about sexuality that naturally stem from having a wardrobe that consists 50% of spandex. I know the feeling. Just the other day I waved my cock in a girl's face in public, just to be sure that people knew I was a raging heterosexual.

DOOP Secretary

And we all know that it's only a few steps from being impressed by a guy to being willing to take your pants off for him.
Whatawut: *says something impressive* Girl being courted: Teehee. That's quite impressive, Whatawut. Whatawut: Sweet. Shall we have sex at my place? Girl being courted: Uh what!? We just met. Whatawut: Oh c'mon, it's only a few steps from here. Girl being courted: Ok then! Let's go!
Quoted both because it mentions me, and because it's damn funny.

Urban Legend
If you're looking to have a fact-off with all your many wiki's to back you up, well, you can just go and fact yourself....

DOOP Secretary

I've personally got a list of 1,726 dealbreakers. All part of my 278-step plan to die alone.

DOOP Secretary

You'll find that Swedes also deal in Absolut...

DOOP Secretary

I like this new person. Very much so. Obscure pun: the planet that makes monuments to the dead was named "Xenotaph." A cenotaph is "an empty tomb; a sepulchral monument erected in honour of a deceased person whose body is elsewhere." and xeno, prefix meaning alien.

Urban Legend
Cats are just aware they're better than us.
Ha! When they come up with a better way to clean their assholes than using their tongues, I'll consider accepting this supposed superiority. 

DOOP Secretary

You people are assholes. I mean that in a nice way though.
Not that I really think this is worthy of popularity contest nominations, I just thought it was worth repeating.

DOOP Secretary

Yeah, I agree. Too many Moby Dick references would've sucked dick!...

Urban Legend
How do you have *** with Mystique?
Um. Were you trying to say "sex"? Why would you self-censor the word "sex"? Anyway...

DOOP Secretary

This year, I invested in pumpkins. They've been going up the whole month of October and I got a feeling they're going to peak right around January.

Urban Legend
The tears of women and children are delicious and good for you.

DOOP Secretary

Ineedidly, it can be both. I'm open to suggestions/propositions.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Ya know, I have read that post more that once, and this is the first time I saw that hahaha.

DOOP Secretary

In the name of Noah Webster and all that is holy, NOBODY NOMINATE HER!

DOOP Secretary

Noah Webster was an idiot and a coward.

Urban Legend
Happy birthday to Jezzem, its his fuckin' birthday too you cuntlips.

DOOP Secretary

I think Jezzem is biased!