
DOOP Secretary

I went with hobbitboy, because he's never won before, and is one of the unsung heroes of PEEL--the kind who keeps track of ranks and who's won PoTM before. And also he's from New Zealand, so I assume he has a neat accent.

DOOP Secretary

God, I hope he gives me his class ring and asks me to go steady! Fingers crossed!
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Man, this is the second time that me and M0le are in a POTM race. Unfortunately, I don't have the passwords for all the fake accounts I used back in the February 2005 poll...  That means Vote For Me, you wankers!

DOOP Secretary

aww, was hoping for "none of the above" to win... would be the 1st month with no winner

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
Another draw? Aww, man. I hate draws. This is all your fault, ShepherdofShark . 


My first post; Yay! I voted for mr. nasty because he sounds like a cool dude.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Yeah, that was the only fake account I had left...
Vote for me?
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

But the third time's the charm!