
DOOP Secretary

Javier Lopez km73 soylentOrange

DOOP Secretary

Hey, since we're doing the POTM showdown of doom this month, can't we start the list over again?

DOOP Secretary

Any1Else Km73 Edel

DOOP Secretary

Hey, since we're doing the POTM showdown of doom this month, can't we start the list over again?
That's what the general idea was... Cinnamod Frisco17 Ben

Space Pope
Suddenly it's interesting again. Faze - as some sort of internet, virtual bucket of Sarah Lee and a copy of Sleepless in Seattle. Weiner - for setting up and running Fall Madness, despite the fact you ungrateful bastards voted him out almost immediately. M0le - 

DOOP Secretary

We can't that's what Fall Madness is for.

Space Pope
Also, where was it decided that we can renominate people?
I don't know. Anyway, I didn't get the bulletin. Well, I don't know what's going on but I'll just say I appreciate any and all nominations I got/get. Siney, for 6.022 x 10^23 reasons soylento Frisco
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

Archonix TNUK Mr. Kramer (Ninx's cat)
Since that's not acceptable, then:
Bear Frisco Sine Wave

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Squeaky Bearand of course David_A, since I'm back on asians, even though he's faking it 

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #35 on: 09-30-2008 13:05 »
« Last Edit on: 09-30-2008 13:36 »
It's hard to believe, but September is almost over already. Shall we get this started, then?
Pseudo-September 2001 - FishyJoe October 2001 - futurefreak November 2001 - Sarge January 2002 - VelourFog
June 2008 - Coldangel_1 July 2008 - Sil September 2008 - Books
Hang on, If Books already has the September spot wrapped up, what month are we nominating for now? In any case, in an attempt to address the serious under-representation of PotM winners who's names begin with certain letters [glances accusingly at 'S'], I hereby nominate... Espon Your Standard BendingUnit & Unown-J

Space Pope
All the previous rules and conventions of POTM are flying out the window!  *glass shattering* Open it first, dad. DoctorThunder - The fake account puppet master? Bear - He's managed to triumph in the face of advertising... but his claws are why I nominate him Zerg - I haven't seen this guy around for a while, but he must be due!

DOOP Secretary

Actually, I'm beginning to think I'm the only one here without a fake account, unless you count winna.
FishyJoe - C'mon everybody. Let's wipe the pseudo off of his title! Ben and Ralph - Someone must have turned on the Large Hardon Collider this month.