
DOOP Secretary

This is waaaaay too early, yet it may be too late to close and re-open it. Oh well. Now for the World Famous* i_c_weiner Monthly** POTM Nominations!
JoshTheatre... or Theater... or Théâtre... or whatever. CyberKnight... or CyberNight... or CyberKunigit(as the French taunting knights would say)... or whatever. futuramafreak... or FuturamaFreak... or Futurama Freak... or whatever... but not futurefreak.
*May be centralised in the Maryland area. **Months I feel like it. As in, most months.


JoshTheater dr.bender nye Decapodian
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Robiben Wooter JoshTheaterAs I voted an all-female ensemble last time, I'm now tipping the balance. Come on, the lads!Notice that there's a comma there. I'm not inciting people to come over guys. I'm inciting the lads to "come on" and win.Finally, an observation: Originally posted by Ballisticvole: BirthdayClown for being a total cunt. Heheheh. BirthdayCunt. Heheheh.

DOOP Secretary

Newlook_1. ~Faceshaft~. And Rabie Ben because I am out of slightly-amusing nomination reasons.
Writer unit32


Phazeshit - well... Yeah... He's Faze. What more do you want?! Josh Theater - reason not available in all areas. A ninja
HookerBot 5000

Liquid Emperor
Ta for all the people who voted for me last time  Soo... Juliet Mr B Aww shit! I gotta choose  Ok...Fazerobicad 1077 
dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by David A: Yeah, there's like a whole week left. What is this, Poster of 3/4 of the Month? Well, I said i wanted to host it. I had a feeling someone would beat me to it, but looks like I got lucky. Originally posted by David A: You started the thread. What did you expect would happen?
Don't beat about the bush about it, some people want to give it time, i say im fair with that. No need to be a smart-ass about it. No offence.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Margarita: birthday clown robiben ribbons second

DOOP Secretary

Juliet Gocad Fry1077

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Uhh wasn't there a rule we weren't to recap the numbers while the votes were still being placed? You know, to not influence the remaining voters? Nice one dr.bender nye - screw up much?