
DOOP Secretary

Nurdbot votes for Hookerbot!

DOOP Secretary

If Jules'd made more posts, she'd've got my vote. But this time it's going to Hooky!

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by HookerBot 5000: Oh yeah, am I allowed to vote? duh, of course you are... i won't vote yet, can't decide between 2 people, will see who needs my vote more in the end
Writer unit32


Zebra-person Hookerbot. 'Xcuse me for the Reginleif reference.


Voting for HB because I like a girl with the sense of humor to take an username of an animated robotic prostitute.
Don't know if its a legitimate reason, but could care less if it isn't.


Originally posted by milksong: [edit] My vote goes to HB because she's pretty and probably smells nice. Excellent use of the qualifier probably. If I had another vote, it would be for you.

Space Pope
~FazeShift~!*votes for bankrupt*
that guy deserves some votes. sorry faze, but there's always next time... 
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #34 on: 04-05-2007 05:42 »
« Last Edit on: 04-05-2007 05:42 by totalnerduk »
Originally posted by Joysauce: You know, there were times when I used to post a lot, but I never won. That's because we didn't actually believe that you were Mrs. FishyJeff. We thought that you were a fake account created by Mr. Jeff in order to create the illusion that he had managed to bag hisself one of them there woman-type-things. Of course, now that we know you're real, you never post. As lovely as you are, you need to make awe-inspiring posts that will win you the hearts and minds of PEELers, or become a meme, to win POTM. I'll help you with that: Joysauce is a meme!There we go. That should get the ball rolling. Now post several hilarious anecdotes just before the next nominations thread, and you're a sure-fire winner. I'll vote for you if you make the poll. Not because Jeff is awesome(even though he is) but because you're lovely, and now I feel bad for not nominating you, even though you never post. Jeff, I am not hitting on your wife. Put. Down. The. Bat. Ow. Please?

DOOP Secretary

Become a meme? Does that involve posting pictures of your boobs?

DOOP Secretary

I have voted for Hookerbot.
And I will try and post more it just that I could not think of anything to say at the moment

DOOP Secretary

This one looks like it is going to be a tight race between the weiner and the Hooker.
Look, I said something that sounds so dirty out context! Wooo!