
DOOP Secretary

« on: 03-31-2006 23:36 »
« Last Edit on: 03-31-2006 23:36 »
It's that time of the month...wait...it's the next month now. Wow. Well, anyway, here's the past winners...
Pseudo-September 2001 - FishyJoe October 2001 - futurefreak November 2001 - Sarge January 2002 - VelourFog March 2002 - cellery April 2002 - Otis P Jivefunk April 2002 - rach_the_tall May 2002 - Ben June 2002 - Holly J. Fry July 2002 - Drippy_Taco August 2002 - Tweek September 2002 - Teral October 2002 - Ninaka November 2002 - [mArc] December 2002 - ZombieJesus January 2003 - SpacemanSpiff February 2003 - Iliketowankalot March 2003 - Melllvar April 2003 - Nixorbo May 2003 - Margarita May 2003 - Archie2K June 2003 - Nurdbot July 2003 - Impossible August 2003 - GhoulishMoose September 2003 - TheMadCapper October 2003 - Melbee November 2003 - Jeremy December 2003 - SamuelXDiamond January 2004 - Futurama_Hil February 2004 - DrThunder88 March 2004 - ~FazeShift~ April 2004 - PCC Fred May 2004 - HomerJaySimpson June 2004 - Aslate July 2004 - Bend-err August 2004 - TheLesbianLeela September 2004 - canned eggs October 2004 - SlimmyCGEF November 2004 - germanfryfan December 2004 - SlackJawedMoron January 2005 - Cap'n Skusting February 2005 - Nasty Pasty March 2005 - M0le April 2005 - catindisguise May 2005 - Zed85 June 2005 - TongueLuck July 2005 - winna August 2005 - JBERGES August 2005 - Jicannon September 2005 - Kloudes October 2005- Airbagfailure November 2005- Slackit02 December 2005- FilthyCrab January 2006- Ralph Snart February 2006- Venus
And now for my nominations... Nerd-o-rama- I'm really sick of explaining this to everyone. I nominated him last month. Last month there was a speech. If there wasn't a speech there about why I nominated him, it's in the month before that. If not that month, the month before that. If not that month, the month before that. If not that month, the month before that. If not that month, the month before that. If not that month, the month before that. If not that month, the month before that. If not that month, the month before that. If not that month, the month before that. If not that month, the month before that. If not that month, I say "haha" in advance, for you actually went back and search through a year's worth of POTM threads to find the speech. momrules- Well...mom does rule.
I'll get the third nomination out whenever I feel like it...

Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 03-31-2006 23:46 »
« Last Edit on: 04-01-2006 00:00 »
Robiben, for my new addiction: Originally posted by Robiben: OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD! Punching Bag, for this: Originally posted by Punching Bag:
Originally posted by totalnerduk: masturbation aids Stop making fun of my disease  And Beamer, for being an admirable pimp for AD, even if he was the bearer of bad news. Because I appreciate his efforts at news-chasing letting me be lazy.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Jicannon, Fazeshift won already...
RabidPixy i_c_weiner LAN.Gnome
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

TNUK Mom Rules Nerd-o-rama

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

i'll be the first and last to nominate Blane. haha zing!
also i nominate mookie. that guy's had more inventive threads in one week than we've had in 6 years!

DOOP Secretary

Woah, I'm getting nominations? What the--*checks calendar, realises it's April 1*--ah, right. That explains it.
Anyway, I'll nominate (and for realsies here): Newhook_1 for being an asteroid of emerging disease. Punching Bag because he was actually born in Japan under the name of Mooty Tyrone-Plus, but migrated to Russia at the age of two when his taiwanese family were attacked by angry, ANGRY dusters. When he arrived in Russia at the age of 13 (his plane had a very long stop-over), he grew a beard, planted an apple tree, all while changing his name to Potter Bagswell. Long story short, the bear attack later that year forced him to change his name to Punching Bag (you may think he was The Lamp Incident, but that's just a myth spread by the jews). He made an agreement with the bears - he'd join PEEL and post, and in return, they'd only soddomise him four times a day. And for that, I commend her. And finally, Alexvillagegosh can muster the finest stains, so help him out, buckers!


« Reply #21 on: 04-01-2006 10:14 »
« Last Edit on: 04-01-2006 10:14 »
Alexvilagosh for hilarious comments made along with jeremy in the relationships thread. Punchingbagand Ribbons Just for being them. ---------------- 

DOOP Secretary

punching bag momrules ralph snart


Nasty Pasty For being cool. Ribbons Insane. Absofuckinlutely mental. So offensive, but so funny. Mookie For his (stolen) threads.


Originally posted by Melllvar: punching bag momrules ralph snart He won in Jan

DOOP Secretary

My third nomination: LAN.gnome- For being a gnome of LAN.