
commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

No. This isn't fair. No scarecrow. Someone's REAL chance of winning has been sacrificed for this stupid game. Every other month we do it properly. I call for a START OVER!!

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #2 on: 10-31-2005 23:50 »
« Last Edit on: 10-31-2005 23:50 »
Sorry Alexvilagosh and Chay's Head. I would've voted for you, but... I'm backing Scarecrow this Melbourne Cup.  Also... Originally posted by Ninaka: Every other month we do it properly. When the hell have we ever done it properly?!

Frosty the snowman, Was a happy jolly soul, With a corncob pipe and a button nose And two eyes made out of coal
Frosty oh Frosty!!1
oh shit wait, that's not related to scarecrow at all. Anyhow, I voted for scarecrow... the modern PEEL hero. Let's all make PEEL history by voting for this guy, then e-mailing him about his success.
I also hereby declare my hetrosexual (maybe homosexual) love for jicannon... muh jiggy <3

DOOP Secretary

Thank you, Ben. Scarecrow deserves a chance. He IS a real account, and there's no doubt that he's been one of the most talked-about members this month. He's a great PEELer - never argues with anyone, and has never made a single bad post. If anyone deserves to win October POTM 2005, it's Scarecrow. Come on, people. Help make PEEL history by voting for this legend. 

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

...And I was looking forward to having an actual poster win this month! There are some real contenders there too.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by chay's head: Damnit, stupid Scarecrow. Don't worry Chay, your time will come soon. NOVEMBER is the month for head... can't do it in December, that's Christmas time, and Jesus is watching.

DOOP Secretary

Because people have lost their sense of humour since then. This whole place is just a dull wasteland run by nazis... Also, who the fuck is Jan Michael Vincent?

Urban Legend
I voted for airbagfailure, and will vote for her again if this poll is restarted, as it should be.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for non-posting poster PotMs - I nominated TNUK for the first several months of his ban, and was a leading pimp in Lampy's post-ban PotM bid. However, Scarecrow has never posted. Ever. As well, we're not voting for Scarecrow, but rather the infantile fiction that Beamer created. Honestly, it's not fair to the real Scarecrow, who has been overshadowed by Beamer's imaginary friend.
So, in conclusion, vote for me Airbags.

DOOP Secretary

I used to think you were cool, Nerd-o.
Besides, not voting for Scarecrow makes you impotent.
Scare Crow

man fuck you guys! i may never post but ive still got feelings!

DOOP Secretary

Just to be clear, we're voting for SCARECROW, not "Scare Crow." There's NO space in Scarecrow, and whoever the fuck registered that name, fuck you, you just sabotaged POTM, you fucking asshole. 

DOOP Secretary

Scare Crow = Jicannon. He just came into #fc under that name too. Someone kill him for me.

Goose Patrol
Space Pope
Wow. Just. Wow. I can't believe Wooter made the poll! Also, I voted Scarecrow 

DOOP Secretary

Go somebody who isn't some idiots imaginary friend.
Col. Klink


Why does Poster of the month need to be taken seriously?
No one ever did before, Why is now any different.

DOOP Secretary

What's next, are they going to make dancing illegal? Is this the tiny town from Footloose?

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Ben: I can't see any problem with this. Lots of PEELers have been nominated and made POTM polls in months were they haven't posted - TLI, Edel, etc. The difference is they had at least posted on the board or contributed to the PEEL community at some point, I can only assume the people voting for him think the other nine are poor posters and want these competitions stopped. Personally I think any of the other nine would be a worthy winner, my vote went to Airbag though.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Anubis: Worst. POTM. Ever. I agrea