

« on: 10-28-2005 17:27 »
« Last Edit on: 10-28-2005 17:27 »
Past Winners Pseudo-September 2001 - FishyJoe October 2001 - futurefreak November 2001 - Sarge January 2002 - VelourFog March 2002 - cellery April 2002 - Otis P Jivefunk April 2002 - rach_the_tall May 2002 - Ben June 2002 - Holly J. Fry July 2002 - Drippy_Taco August 2002 - Tweek September 2002 - Teral October 2002 - Ninaka November 2002 - [mArc] December 2002 - ZombieJesus January 2003 - SpacemanSpiff February 2003 - Iliketowankalot March 2003 - Melllvar April 2003 - Nixorbo May 2003 - Margarita May 2003 - Archie2K June 2003 - Nurdbot July 2003 - Impossible August 2003 - GhoulishMoose September 2003 - TheMadCapper October 2003 - Melbee November 2003 - Jeremy December 2003 - SamuelXDiamond January 2004 - Futurama_Hil February 2004 - DrThunder88 March 2004 - ~FazeShift~ April 2004 - PCC Fred May 2004 - HomerJaySimpson June 2004 - Aslate July 2004 - Bend-err August 2004 - TheLesbianLeela September 2004 - canned eggs October 2004 - SlimmyCGEF November 2004 - germanfryfan December 2004 - SlackJawedMoron January 2005 - Cap'n Skusting February 2005 - Nasty Pasty March 2005 - M0le April 2005 - catindisguise May 2005 - Zed85 June 2005 - TongueLuck July 2005 - winna August 2005 - JBERGES August 2005 - Jicannon September 2005 - KloudesIt's that time of the month again...  Nominate away!

Liquid Emperor
JulietYoung_and_AngrySpacedal11Eh, ... ... ... yes. Win! Pleeease 


Me? Nominated? Whoo!  Wooter Airbagfailure I_c_weiner

DOOP Ubersecretary
Yeah, I want to vote for Hilly again too...  And Ninaka! *sulks*


Nerd-o-rama Spacedal11 Wooter
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Nerd-o-rama i_c_weiner Zoidberg227

DOOP Secretary

Airbags Juliet WuKongUK

DOOP Secretary

Speli. Zed 85. Nerd-O-Rama.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

That is all.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Spacedal11: Randi From TEH LIST!!!11!!1!!: October 2001 - futurefreak Originally posted by futuramafreak: John (Berges) From TEH LIST!!!11!!1!!: August 2005 - JBERGES For this month... Nerd-o-rama: The usual reason as every month. I think it's actually been every month. If you want to find out more, search it! Young_and_Angry: Even though she's a Paul McCartney and I like Lennon, we can learn to live together on the same message board. Slackit02: She's on my list...for this month because of...the 02 part.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Nurdbot: Speli. Zed 85. Nerd-O-Rama. Zed won a few months ago Nurdy.

DOOP Secretary

And it's not there to look pretty at the top of the page (sexy it may be). Maybe we should make them gold or platinum, or put hydraulics on them. That would get people's attention.

DOOP Secretary

Yeah, but he's still breathing.  I nominate Newhook_1 for crossing the Pacific Ocean in boat made out of snails stickytaped together. Alexvilagosh because no matter how hard he tries, he just can't try. And Scarecrow for being the greatest person who ever lived. 

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

FilthyCrab FilthyCrab and, oooh, I don't know Nerd-O-Rama

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary

Why is there two that won August this year? Did we have a tie?
And I'd like to add: airbagfailure totalnerduk