
What the Hell, I'm gonna vote for Futurama Nerd.

DOOP Secretary


DOOP Secretary

That was the best hoax ever. We should have given the hoax a POTM.

DOOP Secretary

Yes, we should.
Lampy: An intelligent Troll who's been banned and doesn't really care about POTM.
Catty: Been around forever, very nice and sweet (She got me my G-Mail account) and never is annoying.
Oh, and Zed, Speli and NJ still need their POTM too.

DOOP Secretary

Hey next month we should give SuperFry a PEELie. What the hell, the rest of the year is reserved for the banned just for cheap laughs.

DOOP Secretary

I'm voting for Cat. Reason 1: Cat's not banned. Reason 2: Cat's cool. Reason 3: The word "cat" in the name. Reason 4: I would vote for me or Futurama Nerd, but it seems pointless when you're this far down.

DOOP Secretary

Lampy was here for just about one week in this month.

DOOP Secretary

When does PEELies start? Is it a thread of nominating and voting like POTM or does somebody choose the winners?

DOOP Secretary

Thanks for the info. This thank you card is for you. [Hands Thank You card to Jicannon][under breath]Let's keep that hundred dollar bill in there a secret or shall I have to put the clamps on you

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
Yeah, what's your problem nerdo? Nasty is an ok guy, it's not his fault for anything, and he totally deserved potm that month. Also, Lampy can win POTM, since he has posted this month. Also POTM isn't some sort of PEEL regulation thing, and marc doesn't give a shit who wins. It's just a fun thing we do every month to nominate and vote for the people from peel who have touched our lives the most that month (or at the particular moment we post our nominations and click in our votes). Besides, it isn't like you can actually scientifically qualify what constitutes good posting.  Btw nerdo, your story in that other thread was hilariously great and you are awesome.  Also, ok then slackit 

Sorry catz0r, but Lampy gets my vote this month... rest assured, you'll have my vote next month... if im still alive!! waargh 

Liquid Emperor
*stabs mctai anyway* Wow, you go away for three days and everyone likes you.  Hats off to lampy for winning this one, I'm voting for Tongue. Thanks to those insane and threatened enough to vote for me.