
Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by germanfryfan: Tongue Luck : for being Lee. Y_L_B : for being Luisa. Juliet : for being Juliet. I totally can agree with that. Tongue Luck, Y_L_B and Juliet. Win! ^_^

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Zed 85 CyberKnight Filthycrab
That is all.

DOOP Secretary

Evan Catindisguise Kloudes

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Coilette: CatinDisguise Tongue Luck i_c_weiner Thanks for the nom, Coilette.
Rage Dump

Liquid Emperor
Not one nomination? Shiiiit. I used to get two nominations a month, then, more recently it was one, now it's none. If you don't win as soon as you get here, it just gets more and more difficult afterwards. Watch soon for the de-votes, after which i should be getting -1 nominations per month. I'd like to add an honourary mention to Y_L_B and Pikka to my list, for those killer ninja pictures. What? M0le too? He's a jerk. And he has webbed toes, with fungus. You heard me.

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by Rage Dump: Not one nomination? Shiiiit. I used to get two nominations a month, then, more recently it was one, now it's none. If you don't win as soon as you get here, it just gets more and more difficult afterwards. Watch soon for the de-votes, after which i should be getting -1 nominations per month.
I'd like to add an honourary mention to Y_L_B and Pikka to my list, for those killer ninja pictures. What? M0le too? He's a jerk. And he has webbed toes, with fungus. You heard me. What, the fearsome NIBBLERNINJA does not get a mention? *stabs Rage


I'll vote for: Futurama Nerd Mole Toungue Luck

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by mint: My nominations for this month:
Futurama Nerd Young and Angry Ic Weiner If you mean me, THANKS! [In high-pitched 80s rocker voice]You rock![/In high-pitched 80s rocker voice]

DOOP Secretary

Only one person this month
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

...So when is somebody gonna make this poll?
Cause I sure as hell ain't.