
Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #40 on: 02-01-2005 15:12 »
« Last Edit on: 02-01-2005 15:12 »
Originally posted by Tongue Luck: Have I said recently how much I love all of you? Yes, yes, I have. Like, a week ago. Nonetheless... LOVE! Even those of you who're voting for Skusting, 'cause he absolutely rules, and I'll be proud to lose to him.
In other news, my vote went to Lamps Inc.
You have a 'vote Jberges' sig. Do you have a multiple personality problem? unwanted totpds can go fuck themselves with a cactus.
Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
« Reply #41 on: 02-01-2005 15:15 »
« Last Edit on: 02-01-2005 15:15 »
Since when are multiple personalities a "problem"?
Yeah! It's fun!
Sometimes I do want a little privacy...
Shut up!
edit: Ugh, fine, I'll do a real explanation. Skusting is quality and does deserve victory, and I'll be genuinely happy for him if he comes out on top, but I also know that I'm likely to sink back into obscurity if I don't win this month, so I can't quite bring myself to vote for the guy who's just barely beating me, plus I told myself at the start of this thing that if my noms didn't make it through, I'd vote Lamp, and they didn't, so I did, and Berges was one of my noms, which means he didn't make it through, under apparently shady circumstances, and also I'd just updated my signature image and wanted to show it off, so I put it in there and addressed the shady circumstances so maybe he'll make the poll next month, and if you're still reading this paragraph-long sentence, you are a fool, and I pity you. *falls down* The end.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
I'm going with TL, she sounds really broken up about this. I have to further say, Lampy is a true PEELer, not voting for himself, but of course voting for someone he shall easily crush (I still like you newhook  ). Nasty, I'm quite ashamed... nominating and voting for yourself, you're a regular coop.  GPT, quit telling people my secret...  *disappears*

DOOP Secretary

AHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm so torn - all 3 of my nominees got on the poll! Hmmm... mabye next month I'll nominate myself?  Seriously though, my vote goes to Lampy, since he has the lead right now.

DOOP Secretary

Oh no, Stukov has lost power! The White Army will surely take over PEEL now!
Damn my stro-ejndgngjfjaefijpef!

Liquid Emperor
Ha ha, people are arguing about me.  Anyway, I was torn between lampeh and Tongue...but seeing as lampy complains and I shall promise to vote for Tongue next month, I voted lampy. I love you all deeply though.* *Oh god, I'm doing footnotes too! This thread...it be cursed! Yarrr...
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Congrats Capn. You are da man.