Spice Weasel

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by canned eggs: Spicey! You're back! I been looking fer you! Watch for me, March 18-20, in your hometown! Rock 'N' Roll! Whaa??? You'll be in Vancouver? Cool, whereabouts? I'll buy you a beer.

DOOP Secretary

I am going to pick Catindisguise so far


Coop Coop Coop
J-M Vincent

Originally posted by canned eggs: Man, I keep forgetting about Jan-Michael Vincent. You bastard.

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by Joysauce: Hey, mint! Maybe you and I should do lunch sometime and then afterwards we can go to the movies and watch a chickflick and talk about how we like the men in our lives Ha-Ha it is a bit hard to have lunch together where we live in two different continents. Unless of course if one day I go to US for vacation but then again if I do go to US I probably would go to California. I don’t think you live in California right? You see, my husband and I want to visit the Road 66, but due to bad relations between French and American at the moment we are not going to go to US at this stage. If one day the relationship improves we will go. Ok I can see you are a genuinely nice person, I will nominate you for my last choice.
Futurama Nerd


Thank you to all the people who nominated me. @starone: Most of the time 


Feh, all you jumping on the bandwagon...I was voting for Bergie and TL before it was cool...
Tongue Luck JBERGES and....uh...Zephid