
DOOP Secretary

After getting a pretty good number of nominations last month (5 or 6, I believe... hey, it's good for my standards!  ) I have decided to start my own POTM campaign:  I'll be winning to listen to any of your complaints... in hell! Anyway, my nominations: Newhook_1 for his recent charity work... in hell! TheLampIncident for letting idiots know they're idiots... in hell! and M0le for pretending he's a nocturnal cyborg-rabbit with seven testicles, and a grapevine of desire that continues the Earth's tribute to the plight of ever-lasting penises... in hell!


Cap'n Skusting
anyone else wanna get my vote? vote for me! i wannabe cheapened!
Futurama Nerd


Originally posted by hobojobo: Futurama Nerd Because he helps me make fun of spammers and new people (I refuse to use the term n00b) He? Hello, I'm a girl. Are you sure you got the right person?

Urban Legend
Jan-Michael Vincent Being POTM would make him the happiest guy in the world and cap his career. Toto The band, not the dog or whatever the hell this is. [mArc] He's already won once, but banning Tnuk again has to be worth a nomination.


Futurama Nerd - TLZ got her gender wrong too... Cap'n Skusting - seems tick all the 'perfect peeler' boxes, except the one that says 'female'. buzzmethru - I envy his bikes.

DOOP Secretary

Cap'n Skusting SlackJawed Moron Tongue Luck
Futurama Nerd


Originally posted by hobojobo: ...Shit. I guess I meant Nerd-o-Rama, and I don't know if he's around any more. The whole thing with there being like five people here whose user names include the word "nerd" is kind of confusing. I'll keep my nomination for you though, I'm sure that you've done some cool stuff here too. I'm sorry if I confused anyone. That's alright hobojobo, and thank you for keeping your nomination. Thank you too Zmithy.