Tongue Luck

Starship Captain
I could easily re-nominate the same three I picked in the September round up (especially Slacky... he's on fire!) but I promised myself I wouldn't nominate anyone for the second (or third or fourth) time this month.
Nerd-o-rama - Vomiting on people is not an interpretation. Shaucker - She's not dead. TheLampIncident - A parable from the life of Tongue Luck: So, at the beginning of the quarter, I walk into my Intro to the Cinema class, not knowing what to expect. I arrive to find this whacked out Professor yelling at the already assembled students about how much he hates their stupid Gucci bags. Then he tells everyone to pick up a syllabus. I do, and see that it consists of a long list of things that make him angry, with "If any of this applies to you, drop this class at once!" written at the bottom. "Oh my god," I think to myself, "It's like looking into TLI's future!" The majority of the class quickly grows to hate this guy, while a small handful of us think he's great and come to class looking forward to some world-class ranting. Then, one day, disaster strikes. Two boring men are at the front of the class. Our new teachers. The old Prof has been fired under questionable circumstances (his supporters say possession of a pocket knife, his detractors say he used the knife to try to assault a student; I'm thinking an empty threat or an overzealous hand gesture) and he's never coming back. "Oh my god," I think to myself, "It's like looking into TLI's future." Moral of the story: Please be careful, Lampy. I don't want to lose both of you!

DOOP Secretary

I nominate:
Newhook_1 for not giving up when everyone in town told him that his computer wouldn't work underwater.
SlackJawedMoron for his amazing efforts to balance the sun on his nose... he is now in intensive care.
And M0le for the fantastic way he screams out the word "OOMGA!!!". Truly inspirational...

DOOP Ubersecretary
SlackJaw-izzle CyberKnizzle FilthyCrabizzle-My-Jizzle 

DOOP Secretary

Since his General Tso's chicken pizza was such a rousing success (earning him the Second Best Thing of October 2004 and 10 ThunderPoints), I first nominate Lampy.
Second, I nominate TNUK for showing us it's okay to show your soft sensitive side to VF...only to have her castrate you with a weed whacker and pour flesh-eating scorpions on your face.
Finally, I nominate slacky. I don't know why, but he just seemed to be on his A-game this month.
There were numerous third runners-up, but I felt these three stood out slightly more than the rest of the dead-eyed hosebags on this board.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Originally posted by DrThunder88: Second, I nominate TNUK for showing us it's okay to show your soft sensitive side to VF...only to have her castrate you with a weed whacker and pour flesh-eating scorpions on your face.
Damn you, you, you, you ThunderBastard! Although I'm honoured to be nominated by you, I'm also outraged that people are actually nominating me at all. Look at the signature! Ah well. What difference does it make? I'll not get to the polls on three nominations. I'm secure in anonymity and obscurity here. Seriously, nominate somebody who a) deserves to win something, and b) has half a chance of pulling it off in style. Gah, I feel like such an ungrateful shit now, but that was necessary. It wasn't just a thinly veiled excuse to call you a hilarious rude word based on your username. Honestly.

Liquid Emperor
POTM? Already? Ahem: Slimmy - He lost his hat, poor guy. Slacky - Even though he's Australian, he's funny...I guess David A - I haven't nomintaed him in ages, and he likes my hat.

Liquid Emperor
TNUK - Go TNUK the jesii hunter Catindisguise - the only person who cares about my hat! germanfryfan - now it's your time to get to the top and lose by 2 points! 

DOOP Secretary

How come TNUK is geeting more votes and I have none?
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #66 on: 10-31-2004 12:49 »
« Last Edit on: 10-31-2004 12:49 »
Originally posted by Local Jerseyan: Nasty- for sharing my birthday
No. Fucking. Way. I got a nomination?! .....anywho: SlackJawedMoronNerd-o-ramaand.... Nasty Pasty- Bah, what the hell. I'll give my self another useless nomination.
Spice Weasel

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by canned eggs: except Spice Weasel, who didn't post enough. Hey, I made over 15 posts this month. Sheesh whaddya want. EvanSlimmyAnd someone I know nothing about...let's say...ummm...I dunno, Tongue Luck