

It's in the FAQ, jerkberg. germanfryfan Zoidberg227 Nerd-o-Rama
Guineapig Trick


I'll go with.... m0le 'cause he's neat. Y_L_B to fix her anger problems. and... TLIgoes without saying.

DOOP Secretary

You suck.
Coilette Zed85 Evan

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #11 on: 10-30-2004 12:30 »
« Last Edit on: 10-30-2004 12:30 »
Ok can I nominate everybody who I met at the York AGI? I wish that I can vote for Melllvar again for organizing the whole venue and letting some of us staying over in his house. I wish I could vote sammy and impossible 87 and Aslate because they were nice guys and friendly to meet. Shame that they all already poster of the months. I am going to vote for Amy20 because was really cool to meet. She very lively and hyper. Plus she is very good at hugging. DannyDude for buying me drinks and it was nice to talk to him. SixByNine really cool to hang around with and he did a really good zombie impression (I got it on video tape hehe) the other people I want to vote are: StuartBCoiletteZed85 AnnaIs there anybody that I missing? ----------------- 

DOOP Secretary

Juliet: No, you may nominate for three people like everybody else, you can of course choose them for any reason you like 

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Speli. Evil Lunch. TLI.

Lost Belgian
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M5438 CyberKnight Speli

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Originally posted by Tweek: Juliet: No, you may nominate for three people like everybody else, you can of course choose them for any reason you like  Awww ok I am going to vote for Amy20 because was really cool to meet. She very lively and hyper. Plus she is very good at hugging. DannyDude for buying me drinks and it was nice to talk to him. SixByNine really cool to hang around with and he did a really good zombie impression (I got it on video tape hehe)


totalnerduk germanfryfan Femjesse
Guineapig Trick


Originally posted by Zmithy: totalnerduk TNUK's sig