
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by canned eggs: Hmmm... this is a tough one.
I could vote for Edeltraut, because she did say here that I was great...
but then again, I say that to myself every day. So I could vote for myself, because I have an interest in not keeping the race close, because if Edel and I are tied at any point, Tweek will just wait five or six days until someone votes for her, then close the thread. I know he doesn't hate me... I just wasn't born a woman.
This is gonna take some serious thinking.
I mean, "serious drinking." Vote for EL or one of less Popular lot and I'll mail you some beer.
Capīn Skusting

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by Grim: I voted for the captain, in the hope that it may help him to one day become an admiral No! Not Admiral! (Comodore - maybe - my stance on the subject should be common knowledge by now) Even Kirk made a better Captain than an Admiral. I voted Eggs. He's got a beard eating beard, I hear.
Guineapig Trick


Eggs because something in the Marx brothers thread made me think of him. "Don't point that beard at me, it might go off!" I mean I voted Slimmy :shifty eyes: yes Slimmy, don't ban me! 

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Tweek: Perhaps we can have Elel and Slimmy grafted together like a reverse Siamese-twin seperation operation, then they could combine their votes to beat eggs.
I believe they prefer to be called "conjoined twins". Also, I vote for my favorite son of the soil, eggsy.

DOOP Secretary

Might as well hand edel's next POTM title in advance, she'll win next month.

Schlimmeh gets my voteh.

DOOP Secretary

It is, Speli, Zed, EvilLunch and Pitt should have won months ago.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by winna: Your mom! LAME. Oh well, at least Slimmy deserves it.