DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 02-21-2011 14:42 »
« Last Edit on: 02-21-2011 14:44 »
Keep calm, the categories will be made public soon. Then nominations can either be made publicly in the thread, or in private by sending a mail. If you do go by mail make sure your Username is the Subject of it.
DOOP Secretary
Besides, nominations will only start once the awards have been named and presented for nominating.
I nominate Free Hot Meal for the Captain Obvious Award of Obviousness. And I'm very much looking forward to seeing what clever names Xanfor comes up with for the awards. I always hated when we had bland titles.
DOOP Secretary
Naming the awards? Lame.
The MP3 Compression Artifact Award for Most LAME PEELer?
DOOP Secretary
Calm down people... I hope your eagerness is as big when it comes to actual nominations and votes.
DOOP Secretary
Deadline: Last week! You're all late! I say, 2 weeks detention.
DOOP Secretary
Email is easier since everyone can easily have access to them etc.
DOOP Secretary
On last Sunday Tnuk said it's Sunday, so yes, March 6th.
DOOP Secretary
You could always set up another email address if you're really paranoid.
DOOP Secretary
you can also always post them here...
DOOP Secretary
You have a hard time trying to offend anyone in my view, but then I came up with the Anti-PEELies all those years ago.
DOOP Secretary
Actually, they tend to come in full ellipses. Rarely do things in life have only one foci.
DOOP Secretary
Sometimes there are two, or three. What a day that was!
I'll get around to doing noms sometime... soon... ish...
salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
So I was sifting through all my old posts and came across this topic. Did I unwittingly start the motion for the PEELies we have today? I find this very interesting indeed.
DOOP Secretary
Nominations finalised. Voting will open very soon.
Hey, thanks very much to you and the council for coordinating and collating all of this. * Tachyon gets a head start for most suck-up sycophant PEELer for 2011