To send in your votes, send an email to Please put your user name in the "subject" area so we can make sure people aren't making fake emails for this. The categories are presented so you can just copy and paste into an email. Simply delete the names of those you do not want to vote for. Please send in your emails by
February 15th.
1. Most Valuable PEELer
2. Least Valuable PEELer
-Ralph Snart
3. Poster of the Month of the Year
4. Best New PEELer of 2009
5. Best New Thread of 2009
Beaten with an Gucci Ugly Stick: The Un-fuckable Rich & Famous *Puke Smiley*-
"My only regret is ... that I have ... boneitis." - Last Words-
Reverse Time Capsule-
Sandy Religion and Endless Vaginas - Let's Discuss Namecalling-
Science - It's What's for Dinner!6. Best PEELer Pic of 2009
Bend-err's fake mini photo-
[-mArc-] and Pikachu-
Ninaka canyon swing-
Rach and Ninaka in France-
Sine Wave in orbit7. Best Fanartist/fictionist
-Zed 85
8. Best Framegrab Captioner
9. Fantasy Mod Award
10. The Welshy Award - Most Missed
11. Best Comeback
-Nasty Pasty
12. PEELer Who You Would Most Like to Meet
13. Most Improved PEELer
14. Funniest PEELer
15. Nerdiest PEELer
16. PILF - PEELer I'd Like to Frak
17. Most Interesting Outside of PEELer
-Nasty Pasty
18. Most Addicted to PEEL
-Ralph Snart
19. Most Likely to Cause the Impending Apocalypse
-Ralph Snart
20. Most n00by
21. Best #fc'er