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Author Topic: PEELies 2008 Voting  (Read 1211 times)
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Urban Legend
« on: 01-10-2009 23:52 »

To send in your votes, send an email to peelies2008@gmail.com.  Please put your user name in the "subject" area.  The categories are presented so you can just copy and paste into an email.  Simply delete the names of those you do not want to vote for. Please send in your emails by the end of the month.

1.Peeler of the Year
- Winna
- DrThunder88
- FazeShift

2.PILF (PEELer I'd Like to Frick)
- Futurefreak
- Slackit02
- Rach_the_Tall
- Books

3.Best Picture (Peeler pics-please provide a link if possible)
- Ribbons, Zoom on Sinewave's Biking crotch shot
- Ninaka, jumping off mountain/ bungie-jump
- JBERGES, dinner party laugh
- Zoidberg227, news photos

4.Best Wikipage
- DrThunder88
- Margarita
- Books

5. Funniest Peeler
- DrThunder88
- ~FazeShift~
- Chay`s Head
- FishyJoe

6.PEELer you'd most like to meet
- Gopher
- Winna
- Ralph Snart
- futurefreak

7.PEELer you wouldn't want to be alone in a room with
- homerjaysimpson
- Tweek
- BirthdayClown

8.Best Poster
- winna
- Ben
- Gopher
- Bear

9.Worst Poster
- homerjaysimpson
- BirthdayClown
- JoshTheater
- Frisco17

10.Most Likely to go to Hell
- BirthdayClown
- JoshTheater
- DrThunder88

11.Best Fanfiction/Artist
- Archonix
- SoylentOrange
- Xanfor
- JustNibblin’

12.Most Addicted to Peel
- winna
- DrThunder88
- Ralph Snart

13.Best New Peeler
- gudbjorg
- Bear
- ShepherdofShark

14.Best Thread (Needs to have been created in 2008)
- Serious Thread
- 06:06pm
- Would you sleep with a bear
- Vasectamy

15.Favorite Futurama Chatter (needs to be current attendee)
- Slackit02
- Books
- winna
- Gopher
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