
DOOP Secretary

Can someone please explain to me how that post has any relevency to anything at all?

Liquid Emperor
Originally posted by TheLampIncident: Seriously, the language thread, now the computer thread, and somebody else asks a question after me and they get answered first. In the case of the computer thread, it's probably because the question was easier to answer. There's no reason for you to get upset because a later question was answered instead of yours - that happens all the time on the computer thread, because the newer question might be a) more interesting, b) be more challenging, etc. In the case of your question, consider this: - How many people have a ZIP drive?
- WuKong's question was about PEEL and the internet. How many people have the internet?
Clearly, more people are able to answer the second question posted than yours. So yours gets answered later.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary

Urban Legend
Originally posted by aslate: A) Advertising another forum-type thing B) Games-related C) Doesn't need a thread of its own.
A) I can't help that B) I see no problem here C) Then where do I put it?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

I'd like to complain that there are too many people complaining about things that really aren't complainable.
I'd also like to complain, that the word "complainable" doesn't exist, please correct this grave injustice.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by aslate: C) Test thread, Link Thread, or not on PEEL. FIXED. I propose the next complaints thread be entitled "Bitch about your fellow PEELers"


« Reply #436 on: 06-20-2004 00:22 »
« Last Edit on: 06-20-2004 00:22 by Tweek »
Originally posted by Guineapig Trick: I want to know why my funniest real conversations thread got closed, heres a link http://www.peelified.com/cgi-bin/Futurama/12-001822-1/ It may have been that I am a jackass, but maybe not. I think your a jackass. why? for sayin' im not autistic. and so, here is the last comic by me, for you, guineapigtrick!: A Comic

DOOP Secretary

This isn't a picture thread so do not post them here. Editing pictures to links takes time, next time I'll just remove the picture.