
Rectum Favourist
Urban Legend
Originally posted by TheLampIncident: I would like to kill this fucking loser with one foul swoop. Where's his house? The phrase is "one fell swoop". It's origins lie in a little known play: Originally posted by Shakespeare: MACDUFF: He has no children. All my pretty ones? Did you say all? O hell-kite! All? What, all my pretty chickens and their dam At one fell swoop? Plus, dude, is your liver on overtime producing all that bile? We all get annoyed at these idiots, but you seem to be overly zealous. If you're auditioning to be the new Ben, then you need to retain the same air of righteous indignation and contempt for humanity, but calm down. Give that liver something to do by taking up drinking! It's guaranteed 100% healthy by some bloke I met in the pub.

Urban Legend
Originally posted by SamuelXDiamond: Plus, dude, is your liver on overtime producing all that bile? We all get annoyed at these idiots, but you seem to be overly zealous. If you're auditioning to be the new Ben, then you need to retain the same air of righteous indignation and contempt for humanity, but calm down.
Give that liver something to do by taking up drinking! It's guaranteed 100% healthy by some bloke I met in the pub.
Hell, I should know the thing about the one fell swoop, we were reading that story in British Lit and are now apparently doing a term paper on it... Yes, obviously I have an anger problem. I have had one my whole life, and it has dimished somewhat over the years. I try to be nice to these guys, but I don't often view them as people who will change. I often tend to think they'll never change just because they're human and I'll hate them forever. Who knows. Maybe I'm just going completely insane...


« Reply #164 on: 04-28-2004 02:37 »
« Last Edit on: 04-28-2004 02:37 »
1)where is the PEEL comics thread? [the ones with our avatars] i've got a couple. 2)how long does it take to get my new avatar up? Originally posted by newhook_1 :futuramaisok is a witch, he must be stopped. Seriously he's already started 5 pointless threads, and just won't stop. where are the threads?

The Listmaker
Urban Legend
Originally posted by PCC Fred: Take a close look at those five threads. In particular, look at the dates the involved PEELers registered.
mArc (2000) posted a warning and closed the threads, David A (2002) posted a couple of times with the PEELers FAQ, and No Apologies (2003) posted the chat room link.
With those exceptions, EVERYONE who posted in those threads registered in 2004. What does that tell you? Oh, I see all are newbies. Well I quitted responding to those threads, (beeing sometimes the first who welcomes them with the FAQ), but you see I'm also a noob. Why am I so different compared to those?

Space Pope
« Reply #172 on: 04-28-2004 13:29 »
« Last Edit on: 04-28-2004 13:29 »
Originally posted by germanfryfan: 1) I think you meant the Join the Avy thread Post them with Upload to custom (for you only) or Add to Pool. 2) No one knows. I'm also in the list of waiting people. Actually, he did mean the PEEL comics thread, the closest i can find is Comics: The Tale of PEEL, but i'm sure there is another one. Anyway, we agreed that PEELodies and PEEL comics were pretty sucky a while ago. GFF, that's before your time, so don't worry  On the avatar-uploading front, i really think we need a new uploader. Drippy came back just at the time when we were discussing a replacement, saying he wasn't dead. But I think another uploader would help, especially seeing that there must be a massive backlog of avatars. EDIT: Bugger, how come when i mention he's not here, he pops up? I've just seen a post in another thread. However, my point remains valid. ------------------  The Unofficial PEEL Webby McHelpHelp and The Official best young PEELer!


Originally posted by germanfryfan: 1) I think you meant the Join the Avy thread Post them with Upload to custom (for you only) or Add to Pool no i dont i mean the PEELS comi thread. comic strips using our avatars. like this

Bending Unit
Futuramaisok is really pushing it, 8 (or more) pointless threads all of which have been closed and he/she still hasn't got the message! And he/she ignores other peoples advice, so rude. when amy impregnates that alien guy By the sounds of it he/she hasn't seen more the about 2 episodes of Futurama, or just wasn't paying atention. That isn't necessarily a bad thing but i don't think he/she even likes Futurama! In which case he/she has just been sent here to annoy the HELL outta us!
Dr. Morberg


He doesn't like Futurama. He started a thread asking why he should like Futurama then asked why we're all obsessed.
Col. Klink


It'd be relly cool if you could see who was on the IRC channel on the bottom of the forum summary page again...

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
meh... just join the chat, then you'll know <IMG SRC=""> And there is always at one time or another some n00bs, and at one time or another there is their master. He goes by many names, hypnotoad, superfry, etc. But in reality he is best known as the AntiPEELer! <IMG SRC=""> Oh and I definitely second aslate's suggestion of another avatar uploader. Not necessarily take over drippy's place if he decides to pick it up again. But 2 and at least one going right now would be worthwhile.... <IMG SRC="">

Liquid Emperor
I wish to make a complaint <IMG SRC=""> I think it's innappropriate to use Peeler's quotes to castigate them in signatures, as Leelaholic does here. Yes, I realise it's pretty hypocritical for me to say this, considering I maintain a page devoted to Superfry's sayings...however, the difference would be you don't have to visit it if you don't want to. If I ever was to get an email from Superfry asking me to remove the page, I would. However, signatures which contain quotations from PEELers that are being used to deliberately put them in a bad light surely only contribute towards bad atmosphere...perhaps it's just me who feels that way  I'm not sure how to explain my point - if I was to create a signature insulting Leelaholic (nothing personal), I'd be pretty sure most of the PEElers would ask me to remove it. However, if it was about someone who was considered a n00b, would I still be asked to remove it? I guess I'm just saying we shouldn't slag other people off in sigs...I don't like it...


Originally posted by ooy: Originally posted by germanfryfan: 1) I think you meant the Join the Avy thread Post them with Upload to custom (for you only) or Add to Pool no i dont i mean the PEELS comi thread. comic strips using our avatars. like this

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
He got un assimilated (think seven from voyager), decided to keep the cool stuff and his hair grew back... unfortunately I hear it's falling out again <IMG SRC="">

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by winna: (think seven from voyager), Just without the nice boobs and formfitting suit.
Col. Klink


I just had to E-mail myself for my password. You know what would be clool? If before Every Automated E-mail Was sent out An Automated E-mail was sent out to bring the recipients attention to the fact that they were about to Recieve an Automated E-mail...

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #195 on: 05-04-2004 14:48 »
« Last Edit on: 05-04-2004 14:48 »
Closed topics don't consume any resources in and by themself (well, maybe a little disk-space, but nothing major). What have caused the previous 2 crashes was excessive posting over a short timespan. As mArc explains in this thread spam was what brought about the Great Off-Topic Crash of 2002 (we don't talk about PEEL Crash #1). So if people (not directed at anyone) want to avoid another crash, they just have to cut meaningless spam and mindless chit-chat (something that's been on the rise lately). This post is brought to you by the symbols ( and )