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Author Topic: A couple of suggestions...  (Read 2440 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #40 on: 10-12-2003 04:35 »

Ah yes, there's nothing like a bunch of burning torches and angry villagers or rioters ready for some serious urban combat and general disruption, the smell of burning tires and tear gas or cordite and the sound of skulls cracking and bodies hitting the pavement. The streets alive with the sound of violence and the motto "Love thy neighbor!" heheheh...

Uh, sorry, got carried away. No, leave him here, he's nothing but a little annoying from what i've been able to see. Maybe you should just live and let live and stop making a fuss out of this, i mean what's the worst that could happen?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #41 on: 10-12-2003 06:30 »

Earth could spin out of it's course and be hurled into the sun, where we all will meet a painful death.

But as I said, that's a worst case scenario.

SuperFry ain't bothering anyone, in fact I think he has shown some remarkebly courage to come back even after half the board ganged up on him. And if you think about he haven't even come close to doing something banable.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #42 on: 10-12-2003 07:12 »

Originally posted by Asylum-Fry:
Since SuperFry's computer had a parental control that won't let him type sex and girl

...but it will let him type "boy"? Interesting...

Urban Legend
« Reply #43 on: 10-12-2003 08:11 »
« Last Edit on: 10-12-2003 08:11 »

I think you should all lay off him; you can't just ban him since he's not allowed to say certain words. Also, he's beginning to get the hang of it; his new thread in General Discussion is actually a good topic.

No, I'm not just saying this to be anarcic(sp?). Okay, maybe a little. Or half.  :p

« Reply #44 on: 10-12-2003 08:13 »

I am pro-superfry as long as he dosent go back to crazy, posts 1000 times a week guy thing.
Rage Dump

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #45 on: 10-12-2003 09:15 »

Yeah, he's tolerable now, not great, but occasionally a quality poster, and his 10 threads a day thing has gone. (Thank god) And most importantly you can read his posts now...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #46 on: 10-13-2003 05:18 »

I still have trouble making out his posts. Somebody needs to teach that kid decent spelling, punctuation and grammar. I know he's young - but that's no excuse. I could string together a proper sentence when I was his age.

Even though I still think he's as annoying as hell, Teral's right - he hasn't done anything worthy of being banned (although when he does, call me and I'll get the pitchforks  :p), and as long as they follow the rules - anybody should be allowed on PEEL.

Urban Legend
« Reply #47 on: 10-13-2003 19:08 »

Even an moderately intellgent ape?  :p

I agree with Beamer, I haven't seen anything too bad from him, although little is great. He really needs to use punctuation and stuff.
Just Chris

Urban Legend
« Reply #48 on: 10-14-2003 23:17 »

He may be annoying at times, but lately he's quieted down. I think the love thread took good care of that (spit roast, *snicker snicker*). This guy's no Hypnotoad, though. All the times he's annoyed us, it was done inadvertently. He's not a vicious troll.

Space Pope
« Reply #49 on: 10-18-2003 17:14 »

How about including in the registration process a 50 point questionnaire, followed by a standardised IQ test, and you must submit a photo and two references from previous forums you've visited. Then you are allowed to join and join in the fun...

in other words: no. Age is no excuse for irritatingness. There are young members who fit in fine, and older members who are still a pain in the back side.

As for the moderator issue, I say sack them all and give VF the job full-time, and pay her for it, in spankings... OK stop talking
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