

« on: 09-16-2002 17:46 »
« Last Edit on: 09-16-2002 17:46 »
I was wondering how you can paste the images from your computer ex: I make a draw in my computer and I want to paste it in peel. How can I do?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

You can't link to pictures on your PC, only pictures online. You need to upload your pictures to the Web. There are sites that offer to this, I recommend Netfirms. After getting an acount you need a FTP-program. Wait a few minutes and I'll post a link that describe what FTP-ptograms are, and how to use them.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #2 on: 09-16-2002 18:07 »
« Last Edit on: 09-16-2002 18:07 »
Sorry for the double post. Okay, after getting your free account at Netfirms (it's on the left side of the Netfirms screen), go here! It's a short walkthrough of the use of an excellent FTP-program called LeechFTP by yours truely.  Drippy made a guide on DosFTP somewhere in that thread as well. Quite good guide too. Basically FTP-programs let you upload files from your computer, to the Web.
Mr. Potter


What did you did, Nefnar? A drawing? Or you just want to know?
Mr. Potter


Why don't you e.mail it to Drippy Taco?

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

1) Start LeechFTP 2) Click File -> Connect 3) Type in your details. (I'll use me as an example) - "Host or URL" : You're account name, ( - Username: Your username (teral - Password: The password that was emailed to you from Netfirms. (Yeah, right!  ) Click "Ok" LeechFTP connects with your Netforms account. 4) Once it's connected you see your account on the right side of the screen. Doubleclick on the folder named "www", and you can start to drag images from your harddrive (on the left side) to the account. 5) Post on PEEL as [ img]http://*your accountname*/*filename*[ /img], remember the files are casesensitive. (Example: [ img][ /img], will produce this:  ) If you're still stuck, Drippy already volunteered.


I already download leech but i don't know how to get my resgistration name or password how?


i woul like to sign up with netfirms but you need a credit card!!

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #16 on: 09-17-2002 19:34 »
« Last Edit on: 09-17-2002 19:34 »
Originally posted by Nefnar: i woul like to sign up with netfirms but you need a credit card!! No you don't. Follow these steps, and you get an account for free (btw, I just made another account there, just for this. Took 5 minutes):  Go to, and click on the link in the red circle (it's on the left side of the screen).  Enter a name in the red circle, and hit submit. This will be your accountname, anything goes, but use some common sense (for instance my two accounts are "" and this one). The name you chose will also be your username. If the accountname is already taken, Netfirms will tell you so, just hit "back" and chose a new name.  In the next window, make sure this option is checked. This is the absolutely free webservice, Netfirms provide.  Next fill out the fields inside the red square. You can use made-up info, if you like. The only thing that have to be for real is the email-address. After registration, Netfirms will email your access code to that address, so this part is important. There is one or two additional windows, just asking you to confirm. Do so, and 5-10 minutes later the email will be in your inbox. Tadaaa, you have a Netfirms account. And before anybody starts commenting on the grainy look of the images, I was in a hurry. Besides what do you expect from 5 minutes of work. 
Mr. Potter


Helpy McHelphelp who is going to comment on the pictures if you're the only one has the patience to do that. Nefnar, if you can't do it with that then you're done. You better send your pictures to websites like The Leela Zone or others.


Finally done thankyou mc helphelp!!

DOOP Secretary

I personally like LeapFTP, myself


Wait 'till i paste my image!


« Reply #23 on: 09-18-2002 11:03 »
« Last Edit on: 09-18-2002 11:03 »
Well, I think thisthing is a little better if you only need to show pics. I allways use it!


Mac help help where i can find a photo with almost all the characters? As in your drawing.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

I don't think such a photo exists, only of the main characters.
The drawing isn't mine, it's made by Otis. I'm just hosting it for him. You can see latter versions of it in the Fanart/Fanfic forum, in the thread "Otis' Arthetics".


« Reply #27 on: 09-18-2002 18:46 »
« Last Edit on: 09-18-2002 18:46 »

Space Pope
Use the edit button. What is a .Ink image?  [img ][/img ] Remove the spaces in the second one.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by aslate: What is a .Ink image?
Corel Draw, I guess.

Helpy McHelphelp
DOOP Secretary

Seems like it's a Corel Draw only file extension, so you have to convert it into a *.jpg, *.gif or other common Net-friendly image-format, Nefnar.
If it is indeed Corel Draw, I'm of no use. Maybe some of the other PEEL'ers can help? Or try thr "Computerhelp For Idiots"-thread in Off-topic.
Thankyou and good night. (it's 1 Am, and I got work tomorrow).


got it! that drawing is bad but next time i will make one better.


Thank you I think this is over.