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Author Topic: PEEL Upgrade  (Read 2666 times)
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Liquid Emperor
« on: 12-27-2019 10:55 »
« Last Edit on: 12-27-2019 11:03 »

I received a mail from the host for PEEL that they are dropping PHP5 support in march 2020. Since SMF 1.1 does not support any higher version we have a problem. There are various options that we have:
  • We move PEEL to an instance where we have control over the php versions supported. That would leave it at the current version. This would leave it open to various security holes in the future though because PHP holes will no longer be fixed. (Not to talk about SMF support that has been dropped for decades)
  • We upgrade PEEL to a later version of SMF. This will require a lot of work since PEEL was modded heavily by mArc in the past. He has no time to upgrade this himself and neither do I. This will however be the most future proof option. We will need someone who has experience in this though.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #1 on: 12-27-2019 11:20 »

I have no specific experience in upgrading SMF.  But I have plenty of experience with upgrading old PHP5 instances to PHP7 instances.  And I have plenty of experience as well with modifying standard pieces of PHP software like Wordpress.

I realise the modifications by mArc are probably far more extensive than that, but that only means the work will take a bit longer.

If I were to get a copy of the PEEL SMF code, along with the database, I could set it up on my server, which currently runs PHP7, so you would be able to see how PEEL would function with a newer SMF version.

So yes, I am leaning towards the second option, because I believe it is the best long term option.  Even if it requires a lot more work.  And I am willing to provide that work.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #2 on: 12-27-2019 12:40 »

I'll contact you on #fc after this weekend.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 12-27-2019 21:22 »

Wow, thanks so much for volunteering to do this, Ducky!

Without exaggeration, I am the laziest person I personally know. But if things get to a point where the board looks like you've got it running pretty well and you could use a bit of ad-hoc testing to look for pesky bugs, let me know. idk jack about browser-based stuff, but I have a few years of varied QA under my belt.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #4 on: 12-27-2019 22:50 »

A regression test will definitely be needed.  The more volunteers for that the better.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #5 on: 01-02-2020 13:04 »

PEEL is getting an upgrade?

I honestly thought that this would be its final form. Anyhow, I'm able to help with testing for bugs also. If desired. Just email me.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #6 on: 01-06-2020 16:52 »

@totalnerd: Yeah I was expecting it to stay as is. But this is a mandatory upgrade. The current version will not work on the new version of PHP.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 03-16-2020 19:23 »

Any updates on when the host upgrades the PHP version?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #8 on: 04-01-2020 09:23 »

Nope. It was delayed and I assume with global pandemic they are not making it a priority

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 04-01-2020 10:28 »

Fair enough.  But I got a new SMF version running an old database on PEEL right now, only the theme that needs fixing.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #10 on: 04-01-2020 10:36 »

Nope. It was delayed and I assume with global pandemic they are not making it a priority

Surely, an upgrade of PEEL must be considered one of the signs of The Apocalypse, yes?

Now, if I start seeing swarms of locusts...

Fair enough.  But I got a new SMF version running an old database on PEEL right now, only the theme that needs fixing.

Wowser! Thank you for the work, sir.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #11 on: 04-04-2020 10:31 »

Fair enough.  But I got a new SMF version running an old database on PEEL right now, only the theme that needs fixing.

If we get the theme fixed and essential functions we should proceed with the move in any case. The PHP apocalypse could come at any point.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #12 on: 04-04-2020 15:06 »

Will this be PEEL 4.0 or PEEL 3.0?


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #13 on: 04-08-2020 07:42 »

I prefer PEEL ME (Millenium Edition)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #14 on: 04-08-2020 18:43 »

Lololol! And I swear that I'm not kidding, but Win-Me was my fave personal OS for a long time. :)


Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #15 on: 04-24-2020 23:44 »

Pretty cool.  I've read some of the SMF package a few times;  I don't know how heavily modified mArc got it from base.  I've seen some of it, but it's silly stuff no one would ever see.

Iirc, the whole SMF package is pretty straight forward; though I thought PEEL was upgraded to SMF 2, rather than being at 1.1...sometime after 606 PM....... :rolleyes:

I used WinME for a long time too, and I enjoyed it; I didn't know any better.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #16 on: 05-10-2020 22:24 »
« Last Edit on: 05-13-2020 15:53 »

Peel did...get upgraded. :shifty:

Is it possible the account table for wikipeelia could be cross-tied directly with the user table on peel?  Thus, establishing and insuring all peelers have direct access toward editing wikipeelia.  

They would probably remain as two tables though, and I'd expect wikipeelia to be larger, since people made accounts separately and may have had reason to pick a different user alias.

Wikipeelia could then have user registration unlocked, or left alone, or gotten rid of.  I think Xanfor had the duty of gating that--I don't know how easy he is to get a hold of though truthfully.

They both reside on the same server (I'm presuming from memory), so it seems feasible in my mind.

I'm supportive of Svip getting admin or similar privileges and I believe he's very familiar with the wiki software bundle (assuming it's all basically the same::me) that might not be too impossible.

I'll edit this later....

The positives to this suggestion are perhaps simpler user tables between the two packages (debateable)
A greater cohesion between the two, since one is supportive of the other
Bureaubot2 returns to #fc and we get a box down at the bottom of peel that says who is there every 17 minutes, with a link to a better it chat applet than CGEF one
Simplification of user ownership on wikipeelia, all peel accounts automatically have corresponding wikip accounts, and perhaps they could have master edit power over their own page
I can have my Keffothemonkey account back for some reason (doesn't require explanation)
Renewed interest in wikipeelia, which would probably increase activity on peel.
Peelers could make new accounts on wikipeelia which represent various GoT characters they could role-playing as.

While I'm asking for impossible miracles, how about revamping PEEL front page to incorporate wiki elements
Make the RSS feed actually work, so I don't have to rely on wep2 or whatever....
Build a peel API because those are fashionable for some reason.
Update the rank icons and replace them with Gopher's set.
Allow for..png and. svg and. apng formats on avatars.....
Convert DrThunder88s Exploding bird in A ball to be HTML5 channel.
Cooooolll trick!

Delivery Boy
« Reply #17 on: 02-13-2023 07:40 »

Peel needs to fix some of the broken links and functions. I've been trying to update my profile and it just sends me to a broken link.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #18 on: 02-13-2023 10:22 »

It is true that there are a lot of outstanding bugs relating to the upgrade to SMF 2.0.17.  The custom theme makes it somewhat difficult to figure out what it is supposed to be.  And unfortunately, I've been distracted with a lot of other projects for quite a while now.  But I really ought to get back into focus on that one, though.
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