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Author Topic: Complaints II  (Read 41927 times)
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Starship Captain
« Reply #120 on: 12-08-2013 22:06 »

That doesn't look like a facepalm to me. It looks like he just has his eyes closed. On NoHomers they had a proper facepalm smiley (which Brickhead used a lot, often directed towards me)

Space Pope
« Reply #121 on: 12-08-2013 22:55 »

I don't want no drama in this thread. It's for complaining about PEEL features/bugs, not for complaining about other PEELers. Please cut it out.

Facepalm Smiley please.

:facepalm: ... Sorry, totally missed this! Installed it now.

Phew! You had me worried for those 5 months; I totally thought you thought I was a jackass. :p

Urban Legend
« Reply #122 on: 12-09-2013 00:11 »

Hey, that's kinda cool that there's a new smiley. Go mArc!

I reckon this serves as a much more detailed and understandable facepalm smiley, however:


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #123 on: 12-09-2013 01:44 »

I suggest that people stop using this thread for gits and shiggles. This is one of the few threads mArc pays personal attention to without any of the staff asking him to.

Starship Captain
« Reply #124 on: 12-10-2013 19:28 »

Can someone provide a transcript of the 'LobsterMooch's mother's death' incident? I read about it on WikiPEELia, and apparently a whole bunch of posts got deleted. Only a few remain. It's probably as hilariously awkward as I imagine.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #125 on: 12-11-2013 16:13 »

Stum, read what Capper said above you and what I said on the page before. How is your problem a problem with PEEL's software/features? (Don't answer.)
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #126 on: 12-16-2013 20:38 »

Is anybody else experiencing intermittent timeout errors whilst browsing PEEL? I'm not getting them for any other website... is this perhaps a glitch in the PEELtrix that other people are also experiencing?
Quantum Neutrino Field

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #127 on: 12-16-2013 20:53 »

Yes, yesterday while trying to post and just moment ago it was trying to load the page without anything happening for a while.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #128 on: 12-16-2013 21:30 »

That happens when they change something. :shifty:

Starship Captain
« Reply #129 on: 12-16-2013 23:06 »

Is anybody else experiencing intermittent timeout errors whilst browsing PEEL? I'm not getting them for any other website... is this perhaps a glitch in the PEELtrix that other people are also experiencing?
It happened to me earlier today.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #130 on: 12-17-2013 07:33 »

That happens when they change something. :shifty:

transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #131 on: 02-04-2014 19:34 »

PEEL appears to be slightly glitchy. It's marked all posts and threads as having been read, despite me not having pushed my cursor anywhere near that particular option, nevermind clicking it.

I navigated back to PEEL's main page from Offtopic, and suddenly all the "new post" lights had gone out. What's up with that? It's rather annoying.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #132 on: 04-08-2014 21:27 »

The PEEL Vault "New Post Indicator" light is broken again. This time it's always on, instead of always off.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #133 on: 06-02-2014 04:04 »

It's all us oldies returning and glitching the matrix. Or are we really here?
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #134 on: 06-02-2014 04:15 »

It's all us oldies returning and glitching the matrix. Or are we really here?

I just saw a black cat walking repeatedly across my field of vision. It had an amazing cleavage. Now I'm not sure if anything is real.

Bending Unit
« Reply #135 on: 06-24-2014 22:44 »

I tried to change my avatar again, but unlike the last time, there's wasn't a line of potentials on any of the pages that I looked on. One of them led me to a gallery of unclickable small images... mildly unusual, indeed. Could anyone help me with this minor predicament?

Bending Unit
« Reply #136 on: 06-30-2014 17:57 »

Excuse the double post, but I want to know: where is the thread for mourning inactive accounts? I stumbled on it a while back, and can't remember what it's called.

« Reply #137 on: 06-30-2014 19:42 »

Here, Cudry:
Inactive PEELers (discussion and respectful rememberance).

Bending Unit
« Reply #138 on: 06-30-2014 21:01 »

Thanks! :)

Space Pope
« Reply #139 on: 07-02-2014 02:02 »

Next time, try out that there fancy "search" function. The word "inactive" that you already had ready would have found the thread in a jiffy.

Space Pope
« Reply #140 on: 07-02-2014 07:02 »

To be fair, I've never found PEEL's search tool to be reliable, even if I know a couple of the words in the title I'm looking for. I tend to have much better luck opening the 20 most recent pages and using CTRL+F to search for key words.

Space Pope
« Reply #141 on: 07-02-2014 07:36 »

As long as you check the box "Search in topic subjects only" you should find what you're looking for.

I often use the find in page method to find something too though, if I know it's on the first couple pages.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #142 on: 08-10-2014 04:17 »

What if our posts had some sort of like button on them?

Urban Legend
« Reply #143 on: 08-18-2014 16:02 »

Every time newhook_1 isn't on the forums, everyone should look around and say, "Where's newhook_1?"

Space Pope
« Reply #144 on: 08-18-2014 18:42 »

Who's newhook_1?

Like that?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #145 on: 08-19-2014 04:29 »

Beamer likes that.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #146 on: 08-19-2014 05:59 »

Guys, this is the actual complaint thread.  It might be best to take this convo to the test thread, lest you awaken a sleeping giant, and fill him with a terrible resolve.  Just sayin'


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #147 on: 08-30-2014 01:35 »

I suggest that people stop using this thread for gits and shiggles. This is one of the few threads mArc pays personal attention to without any of the staff asking him to.

Guys, this is the actual complaint thread.  It might be best to take this convo to the test thread, lest you awaken a sleeping giant, and fill him with a terrible resolve.  Just sayin'

Yeah, use this thread to point out actual problems with the message board's intended functions.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #148 on: 09-10-2014 21:13 »


Space Pope
« Reply #149 on: 07-06-2015 11:20 »

I'm getting this message when I try to change avatar.

Your attachment couldn't be saved. This might happen because it took too long to upload or the file is bigger than the server will allow.

Please consult your server administrator for more information.

Help? I don't want to be stuck with this ridiculous 'fro forever. :(

Aaaand now I'm getting it again. I've tried renaming it, compressing it, offering a sacrificial lamb to it, and nothing seems to work.

It's only 3kb as well; much smaller than my current one. :hmpf:

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #150 on: 07-07-2015 17:14 »

I believe it's a client side issue.  Have you tried clearing your browser cache and || or burning all your cookies?

I'm guess it's a .png file, yes?  I'm tired of people trying to sneak in those dirty .jpgs or even worse those .jp2 files. :mad:

Space Pope
« Reply #151 on: 07-08-2015 00:33 »

Yeah, I've tried that. I also tried uploading it via my phone but with no luck.

PNG master race reporting in!

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #152 on: 07-12-2015 11:42 »

Long shot, but perhaps try a .gif file first.  Unsure what's causing the error.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #153 on: 10-12-2015 10:09 »

Has anyone experienced issues with post previews lately?  When I type something into the Quick Reply box and click the Preview button, the preview pops right up and all is well.  But after that, if I make any additional changes then pop the Preview button again, it either takes *ages* for the preview to render, or it simply hangs and never renders at all.  This is with Firefox.

If I then back up a page and make edits to the text in the Quick Reply box and hit Preview, it renders very quickly.  The issue seems to be with serial previews.  I have a bunch of tabs open at the moment and don't feel like logging out of FF and back in with Opera or Chrome, but I'll definitely try that after a bit.

Am I the only one? :(


Urban Legend
« Reply #154 on: 10-12-2015 12:51 »

I think hobbitboy said something about it when he posted the list before. I haven't noticed any issues, but it occurs to me that's probably because I'm such a posting GENIUS that I haven't used the preview button for the last few posts I've made.
Quantum Neutrino Field

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #155 on: 10-18-2015 14:31 »

Yeah, I have that problem. Once previewed from the quick reply, second time previewing doesn't seem like it's going to happen ("Fetching preview...").

Well, it happens with Firefox, but not with Opera, apparently.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #156 on: 10-18-2015 19:29 »

Thanks for the input!

Also, (again w/ Firefox) I noticed last night that multiple previews work fine when sending PMs -- it's only post previews that hang.  I just got a new version of FF last night, so I'll try that sometime today.  If I knew anything about browsers, I'd run a packet capture for a good and bad preview and look for the differences.


Space Pope
« Reply #157 on: 10-28-2015 00:55 »

Are the "CGEF News" and "Futurama News" sections on the sidebar of PEEL's main page supposed to be blank? I mean, never even looked at anything there but now the main page looks barren and scary. :(

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #158 on: 11-13-2015 07:47 »
« Last Edit on: 11-13-2015 08:06 »

I'm not sure whether this belongs here, so please correct me if it does not:  wiki.peelified.com is not letting me log on.  My browser (FF) has been updated a few times since September when I last edited the wiki and disabling every blocker had no effect, so I tried to logon with Opera, to no avail.  This error occurs on every attempt:

"Login error
WikiPEELia uses cookies to log in users. You have cookies disabled. Please enable them and try again. "

I put a bit more detail in my post in the wiki thread.  http://www.peelified.com/index.php?topic=23280.msg1458168#msg1458168

Tweek reports the same issue with Internet Explorer 11.

And Meerkat with Chrome.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #159 on: 11-14-2015 01:32 »
« Last Edit on: 11-14-2015 01:33 »

I'm also having trouble with all of the above, as well as another recent occurrence. All of my software is up to date.

I have the exact same issue as described by Tachyon above in the following browsers:
 • Firefox [Windows]
 • Firefox [Android]

However, it seems to work in other browsers. The features seems to be a bit slower than it used to be, but it works nonetheless in the following browsers:
 • Internet Explorer [Windows] (Typical time for preview refresh: 1.0-1.5 seconds)
 • Chrome [Windows] (Typical time for preview refresh: 1.5-2.0 seconds, though sometimes up to 9.0 seconds)

"CGEF News" and "Futurama News" no longer contain content underneath the headers in every browser I have tried:
 • Firefox [Windows]
 • Firefox [Android]
 • Internet Explorer [Windows]
 • Chrome [Windows]

I cannot log in to the Wiki in any browser I have tested. I receive the same message regarding cookies as described by Tachyon. I have tested in the following browsers:
 • Firefox [Windows]
 • Firefox [Android]
 • Internet Explorer [Windows]
 • Chrome [Windows]

Simultaneous Logins
Suppose you are logged in in one browser or on one machine and then you log in to another. It used to be that logging in to a second browser would automatically log you out of any other browser. Now, however, you are able to log in to multiple browsers without being logged out from the others automatically. Furthermore, when you log out of one browser, it logs you out of every browser.
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