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Author Topic: PEEL's free avatars - why no Kwanza Bot?  (Read 2478 times)
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« on: 06-15-2011 05:47 »


As I was choosing my avatar from the thousands on this site, I noticed that Kwanza Bot was nowhere to be found, so I'm putting in a request for him to be added.  :)
Nibblonian Leader

Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 06-15-2011 06:02 »

PEEL is racist.

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 06-15-2011 10:55 »

Make it yourself.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 06-15-2011 15:01 »

What the hell is Kwanza?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #4 on: 06-15-2011 17:31 »

PEEL is racist.

Make it yourself.

What the hell is Kwanza?

*Straightener puts his/her essay down* 'And that's what I learnt at PEEL.'
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #5 on: 06-15-2011 19:41 »

I agree this character should be added to the pool (((assuming the OP is correct) no I won't check myself, get lost!) no I'm not making it, fuck off!) Sort it out someone, sort it out :mad: :shifty:...

« Reply #6 on: 06-16-2011 05:21 »

You know, I joined this forum yesterday to hook-up with other Futurama fans. I really hoped to avoid the idiocy of typical forums, but "PEEL is racist", "make it yourself" and "what the hell is kwanza?" doesn't give me hope this forum is different.

I thought this was a request forum and in making my request, I was polite. I ask that anyone who reply please be the same.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 06-16-2011 05:37 »

I apologize for our behavior. Here's the Avatar Shop for you, perhaps some of our resident graphics people could have a go at making this for you.

Or I could give it a shot, should you have a suitable framegrab selected.

Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 06-16-2011 06:15 »

Straightener, just insult them back, or be rude in return.  You'll get the hang of it.

In the meantime, Xanfor is probably the best person to ask for advice, he actually has a soul. 

Urban Legend
« Reply #9 on: 06-16-2011 08:21 »

Everyone goes through that point at some stage anyway.

Of course some go through it longer than others, or never come out of it, but y'know.

Consider it part of the initiation testing.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #10 on: 06-16-2011 13:56 »

Straightener, just insult them back, or be rude in return.  You'll get the hang of it.

In the meantime, Xanfor is probably the best person to ask for advice, he actually has a soul.  

Xanfor is a fake account most likely.

You know, I joined this forum yesterday to hook-up with other Futurama fans. I really hoped to avoid the idiocy of typical forums, but "PEEL is racist", "make it yourself" and "what the hell is kwanza?" doesn't give me hope this forum is different.

I thought this was a request forum and in making my request, I was polite. I ask that anyone who reply please be the same.

You know... as inane as the responses in this thread are, I still find them more palatable than roughly 78% of what most of the internet has to offer.  There is reasonable, intelligent discussion happening on this message board, but most of the people that bounced onto this thread knew it was going to be closed in the near future, as it's too specific of a thread for this particular forum.  That said, even though Xanfor may be a fake account (or maybe he's not... who knows), he's perfectly right in directing you to the Avatar Shop thread for your request to be processed.  I read your thread without acknowledging it though.... perhaps I might give it a go with a kwanzaabot avatar in the near future.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #11 on: 06-16-2011 15:09 »

You know, I joined this forum yesterday to hook-up with other Futurama fans. I really hoped to avoid the idiocy of typical forums,

Then don't venture into the wish void or information booth. Seriously, all the cool people hang out in offtopic. Any questions here are ignored or spammed to death. Anything in the on-topic sections attracts retards, perverts, simpletons, deviants, morons, reprobates and generally stupid fucks. It will receive several tons of spam, and a few ounces of intelligent comments.

Off topic on the other hand is pretty much self-regulating. The cream of PEEL gathers there to discuss meeting up in person, getting into the PEEL group pictures or trading cards or other miscellaneous projects, and editing wikiPEELia.

Also, as to the comments you recieved, "PEEL is racist" was made by one of our newest and younger members. "Make it yourself" was posted by one of our laziest and most apathetic disillusioned teenagers. "What the hell is Kwanza" was a genuine Futurama reference by one of our wisest and most venerable members. I think you got off lucky, son. Especially considering the guy with access to the avatar pool doesn't really care about updating it, since we can all have custom avatars now.

Urban Legend
« Reply #12 on: 06-16-2011 15:24 »

Hey, I may be lazy and apathetic, but...
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