
DOOP Secretary

Thanks tnuk.
Well, after next Thursday's episode I will contact [-mArc-], sending him a zip file with all the avatars, correctly named and all. Then it's up to him to upload them.

DOOP Secretary

Must have been the whole setup with the water tank and the slow movement of the eyes.

DOOP Secretary

That's not an avatar.

DOOP Secretary

Yes but it was a reference to the previous conversation.

DOOP Secretary

I had that before.

DOOP Secretary

Yeah, well, some people mightn't...

DOOP Secretary

If I'm not allowed to post boobs on PEEL, then I want an avatar picture of boobs.

DOOP Secretary

Great, Blue, Coal or Long Tailed?

DOOP Secretary

Beautiful. Thanks. Hah. Eat that, you prudish mods.

DOOP Secretary

Thank you, I know.  Come on, he went to all that trouble, I couldn't not use it at least for a while.

DOOP Secretary

Trouble? It was rather quick (and dirty) work.

DOOP Secretary

Dirty alright. TIT!!!

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #266 on: 09-09-2011 15:20 »
« Last Edit on: 09-09-2011 17:00 »
Reincarnation         Neutopia:  Benderama:  Ghost in the Machines:  Law and Oracle:   The Silence of the Clamps:  Yo Leela Leela   All the Presidents' Heads     Möbius Dick  Fry am the Egg Man   The Tip of the Zoidberg     Cold Warriors    Overclockwise:    
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
You may be good at making avatars, but you yourself are an asshole.
Was that really necessary? Like many of us, he's capable of being nice to those who deserve it. Like many of us, he's got a vicious streak when annoyed. Saying things like that is just going to irritate him. Be soothing. Stroke, don't poke. Treat Bend-err as you would an angry cat: let his fur settle, then allow him to lick cream off your finger.

DOOP Secretary

PM winna, he will give you the function in your profile.
Or everyone PM marc so he will put the 6B avatars into the pool.

DOOP Secretary

Saying things like that is just going to irritate him. Be soothing. Stroke, don't poke. Treat Bend-err as you would an angry cat: let his fur settle, then allow him to lick cream off your finger.
I'm alright with Bend-err. Never said anything mean to him. But he's been treating me like a douche lately.

DOOP Secretary

Get out of the avy thread with stuff that doesn't concern avys, like seriously.

DOOP Secretary

You have a custom avy, you should be able to change it already.

DOOP Secretary

Profile -> Forum Profile Information -> I will upload my own picture: Under there should be an upload function.