
DOOP Secretary

Some forum software uses javascript to hide posts from ignored members in question, in which case, if the line of thought in the thread stops making sense without a given post, it is a snap to reopen it.
This progress if fairly simple and straight forward, but of course requires a hack to the software - unless a software extension for Simple Machines already exists (and I do not doubt that a moment).

DOOP Secretary

But DrT - if we had that feature, then nobody would be able to see anything I write.

DOOP Secretary

That's what I'm saying. Everyone here hates everyone else. We'd be deafened by the silence.

DOOP Secretary

You missed a word. Was that intentional irony? Or unintentional? I prefer unintentional - it's funnier.

DOOP Secretary

No no, Bianca is differentiating posts with substance, be they artistic (fanfic) or an actual response of some substance, like an opinion, sensible query, or amusing anecdote... as opposed to random throwaway stuff that contributes nothing. Here's an example of a totally pointless post (and there are MANY like it): A log is much nicer than a tree. Trees are big and d-d-daunting.
FACT: A log is a dead tree.