in the aforementioned nomination-related thread, where more than one member "nomming" the same person is, if not illegal (by PEEL standards, obviously) generally frowned upon and avoided by most
Have you ever actually
read a nomination thread? Or even the rules? The whole idea is that the PEELers nominated by the largest number of individuals will gain poll spots.
Lots of PEELers are lazy bastards, and simply read who has been nominated by others, then quote or copy+paste those nominations. Lots of PEELers nominate the same set of individuals with one variation out of three choices.
This is how POTM nominating
works, in fact. If it were frowned upon for more than one nomination to be given to any individual, there would quickly be more candidates than possible poll slots in many months.
As for the idea of "liking" posts, you can do that on Facebook. Go post on Facebook if you want to do that. PEELing takes a little bit more active involvement than Facebook, and that's a good thing - laziness and mindless clickwankery really are things that any website that's worth wasting time on should look to avoid.