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Author Topic: PEEL Aesthetic Renewal  (Read 40473 times)
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Urban Legend
« Reply #320 on: 07-15-2013 23:04 »

I was also asking about other users, not just mods. :p
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #321 on: 07-15-2013 23:12 »

Does this forum allow you to see specifically who is online?

No, it doesn't, and that's a good thing. It really is.

Urban Legend
« Reply #322 on: 07-16-2013 04:23 »
« Last Edit on: 07-16-2013 04:24 »

You could be able to choose if you wanted to be seen online, of course. It would be optional.
- But having said that a majority of people probably wouldn't enable it anyway, or just forget about it.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #323 on: 07-18-2013 06:39 »

Or you could just install obtrusive software onto other people's hardware like every other sensible person on the internet.

Bending Unit
« Reply #324 on: 06-04-2014 19:26 »
« Last Edit on: 06-04-2014 19:28 »

A thumbs up feature should be added. Truly cromulent posts could be rewarded by people who are too lazy to quote them in the POTM nomination thread. All jokes aside though,  the popularity of a post could be guaged even further by the author of the thumbs-recieving post as there would back no limit to the amount of members who could give their symbol of appreciation to a single post,  unlike in the aforementioned nomination-related thread, where more than one member "nomming" the same person is, if not illegal (by PEEL standards, obviously) generally frowned upon and avoided by most. If my other arguments in favour of this new feature are viewed as a crock by most of you - or indeed, you all - I simply plea to you to give the little hand with the fingers in an inconsistent position a chance, to compliment the well-established nomination thread.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #325 on: 06-04-2014 19:49 »

in the aforementioned nomination-related thread, where more than one member "nomming" the same person is, if not illegal (by PEEL standards, obviously) generally frowned upon and avoided by most

Have you ever actually read a nomination thread? Or even the rules? The whole idea is that the PEELers nominated by the largest number of individuals will gain poll spots.

Lots of PEELers are lazy bastards, and simply read who has been nominated by others, then quote or copy+paste those nominations. Lots of PEELers nominate the same set of individuals with one variation out of three choices.

This is how POTM nominating works, in fact. If it were frowned upon for more than one nomination to be given to any individual, there would quickly be more candidates than possible poll slots in many months.

As for the idea of "liking" posts, you can do that on Facebook. Go post on Facebook if you want to do that. PEELing takes a little bit more active involvement than Facebook, and that's a good thing - laziness and mindless clickwankery really are things that any website that's worth wasting time on should look to avoid.

Bending Unit
« Reply #326 on: 06-04-2014 20:08 »

Whoops! I meant that it's frowned upon for more than one person to nominate the same post in the nomination worthy post thread. Sorry for the confusion!

As for your second point,  it's YMMV.
Motor Oil

Starship Captain
« Reply #327 on: 06-04-2014 20:46 »
« Last Edit on: 06-04-2014 20:48 »

"Liking" doesn't sound like a great idea. Or even a good idea. It's okay at best, and horrendous at worst.
"Liking" really has no purpose for PEEL, which is already effective at singling out nomination-worthy posts. We have a thread for it. If you'd like to quote someone in there but have been beaten to it, find a way to agree without spamming. It's been done before, and as long as you have a sense of humor, it won't be difficult to do again. You could also just respond to the original post. Good posts get responded to. If you think a post is good, respond to it. Funnily. Quoting isn't the only way to show appreciation.
A truly cromulent post deserves more recognition than a simple "like". If it isn't worth going through the effort of quoting it in the nomination-worthy posts thread, it probably isn't such a great post after all.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #328 on: 06-04-2014 21:25 »


Space Pope
« Reply #329 on: 06-05-2014 04:53 »
« Last Edit on: 06-05-2014 08:53 »

Even if implementing a "like" system were something a lot of PEELers were in favor of (which is pretty doubtful), it's much more than a simple aesthetic change, and would require an amount of effort to code that I don't think any admin is interested in or even has time to go through. So I think we're safe from that idea.

Cudry, you clearly like it here so far, and you haven't made yourself hated or anything yet, so kudos. But you haven't been here very long at all compared to a lot of us. I recommend spending more time here, getting used to the board and how it already functions, and establishing yourself as a more reputable PEELer before you start suggesting serious changes to the board. That's only polite.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #330 on: 03-04-2017 06:03 »

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