
salutatory committee member
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Oh wow it's still pink, interesting.

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Since everyone seems to want new emoticons, what about these chameleons? Some of them even change colors... it might be a neat idea to implement one of these fine chameleons, everyone can use them to represent such emotions as: itchiness - Webster's phone directory describes this emotion as something that happens to you when your hands are covered in something (faecaes) and you can't touch your face Also Wanting to hide - This is the emotion when you are sitting in your bathroom, and there is a small window where aliens will look in at you at night to find you. Also Hungry - Chameleons sometimes like to eat various insects, algae, and other homophores. Try these new emoticons today before they are all gone: 

DOOP Secretary

Frozen smiley frozen smiley!

DOOP Secretary

It would be a smiley for me.
You get your say, what makes you better than me? I would like a frozen smiley. Otis agrees.

DOOP Secretary

If we could all get any smiley we wanted "for me" it would be madness. MADNESS! mArc wisely limits the creation of new smileys to maintain order. That said the facepalm smiley is long overdue.

DOOP Secretary

Yeah, why have smileys at all? We can all learn to use the image tag. Zmithy's points would streamline a lot of PEEL. What tnuk is asking for is not just to have that smiley included on PEEL, it is to have it canonised. To truly make it a part of PEEL. It would be a smiley for me.
You get your say, what makes you better than me? I would like a frozen smiley. Otis agrees.
Yeah, tnuk, Otis agrees. Clearly you are wrong.

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Space Pope
« Reply #297 on: 04-11-2012 04:51 »
« Last Edit on: 04-13-2012 05:24 »
That is the scariest and awesomest emotimoronicon I have ever seen. It looks like Mr. Roboto under strobe lights at the corner disco. DOMO ARRIGATO 
I also have utilized this one once in a while. I tend to use it to denote *grave*. or sometimes *stern*I guess nobody has suggested any new emoticons in awhile, so I figured I'd make one that we can all use. It's a chameleon type thing. Possible ubb codes for it might be <.> or <_> or ÷| or :cham: or something. Who knows!!!!!
 As I noted to vous before, I believe you meant.... kmeleon. >_> <_< And I still think we should get rid of the grody puke smiley.

DOOP Secretary

If only you had an official PEEL smiley to express your dismay.
Maybe mArc is avoiding adding it out of fears it will somehow legitimize facepalm-worthy posts.

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« Reply #303 on: 04-15-2012 04:09 »
« Last Edit on: 04-15-2012 10:14 by TheMadCapper »

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« Reply #304 on: 06-24-2012 21:33 »
« Last Edit on: 06-25-2012 03:00 »

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« Reply #307 on: 07-03-2012 22:13 »
« Last Edit on: 07-03-2012 23:48 »

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Liquid Emperor
« Reply #309 on: 01-16-2013 00:51 »
« Last Edit on: 01-16-2013 00:56 »
Reading through the past remarks, I'm  . Where are the emoticons previously mentioned? I'm not seeing most or any of those in the emoticon tray above this preview text box where I'm typing. Unless I don't have Level 5 clearance to access the lead-lined vault where the more sophisticated smileys are stored. Anyway, my question/request: may we (I  ) have an additional flirt emoticon? One that bats its eyelashes, southern belle-like? I'm not a big fan of the current one--as it seems to suggest more lewd perviness than innocent flirtation. Then again, some degree of horniness drives a person to flirt, I suppose. Though I'm a programmer, I stay as far the hell away from this devil gadgetry when I don't work, so I don't have the skills/desire/time to make avatars and smileys. Please let me know, whether the answer is "Why yes, my dear sparky" or "Frankly my dear sparky, I don't give a damn."  * * Reluctantly

Liquid Emperor
winna, you're about as dense as a week's worth of cow patties in a crowded pasture. Why don't you know I only intend to use such a smiley with you, sir? * hits winna with her fan.

DOOP Secretary

Mods are always online. We prefer to linger in the shadows, however.

DOOP Secretary

Yes, the Dark Shadows cue eerie theremin music