
DOOP Secretary

Placing here so they can be easily found. Dumbledore and Rumbleroar. 

DOOP Secretary

I'll ask again. Might not quite belong here, but the PEEL Buddies probably need a clean-up too. KFNF doesn't work at all, TFH links to something completely not Futurama related, AMY links to web.archive.org.

DOOP Secretary

Interesting smiley, but I don't think I'd use it often.
But then, there are quite a few smileys I don't use often.
But the orange one by Smarty I could see myself using.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

Nostalgia is why; Peel is like an old dinosaur of the internet and must be preserved. Adding to the legacy is acceptable, but taking away is wholly unjustified and should not be tolerated...
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #175 on: 08-27-2011 02:36 »
« Last Edit on: 09-30-2011 21:42 by totalnerduk »
So, [-mArc-], can we have Smarty's Facepalm smiley added to the offical PEEL set please? If need be, I'll offer you some kind of promise in return, like not to pester you about smileys again for another year or so. Or not to pester you again. Ever. Although, that would be kinda hard, since occasionally, I need to do so. You know what I mean.  But enough of that. Please. Add. The facepalm smiley. Please. Personally, I'd use it a hell of a lot more than or and I think you'll have to admit, it does fit in well with the others we have.
Edit: I really, really think it should be added. I've been using it so much, and I hate having to nip back to this thread to find the URL.
Nibblonian Leader

Urban Legend
So, [-mArc-], can we have Smarty's Facepalm smiley added to the offical PEEL set please? If need be, I'll offer you some kind of promise in return, like not to pester you about smileys again for another year or so.
Or not to pester you again. Ever. Although, that would be kinda hard, since occasionally, I need to do so. You know what I mean. 
But enough of that. Please. Add. The facepalm smiley.
Please. Personally, I'd use it a hell of a lot more than or and I think you'll have to admit, it does fit in well with the others we have.
Edit: I really, really think it should be added. I've been using it so much, and I hate having to nip back to this thread to find the URL.

DOOP Secretary

Still no frozen smiley?
NO, I cannot make my own...

DOOP Secretary

As you can see by the replies (or rather lack of them) you won't get one here. So either learn to make one yourself or go and ask elsewhere.

DOOP Secretary

* Xanfor holds himself hostage.

DOOP Secretary

* Frisco pepper sprays Xanfor.

DOOP Secretary

* booze occupies Frisco's fridge

Liquid Emperor
* spira goes to get some water from Frisco's fridge * spira does not have the hiccups anymore

DOOP Secretary

That'll be $2.50.

DOOP Secretary

* DannyJC13 joins in because he doesn't want to feel left out.

DOOP Secretary

* Frisco notes the irony of this. I'll stop now.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Can't recall if this has been suggested before...but it might be nifty to have a very own subforum dedicated to episode reviews, like HR Department and Stockroom has. It would make finding the episode review threads a lot easier and it would be a great way to archive the forum's opinions of episodes all in one place. Like a PEEL Vault, but instead an Episode Vault...you catch my drift.
I have been thinking of this for a while but recently upon my own searching and "bumping" of episode review threads I felt it might be a cool idea to have one. It could even be subcategorized by Season like we do for the PEELies. Eh?

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

There's an actual need for my idea.