In that case ... oh well... good thing you will find only few people wo hate Futurama on a Futurama fan-messageboard. So telling us that haters are gay is a nice point but doesn't get you that far.

Welcome to PEEL, please find this thread closed once a mod comes around. Reasons most probably will be:
- Pretty idiotic topic: What does have "very funny" and "is gay" in relation? And how should that be a less[/s]on? It's nothing more than a accusation. The usage of the finger smiley doesn't serve a nice thing either.

- You posted it in the completely wrong section of PEEL: The wish void is for your pleas and questions to the mods, and admins of this messageboard, in case something goes wrong or doesn't behave well. In case of a well thoughtout thread you should have posted it in one of the ontopic boards, depending on whether it is general, character, plot, fanstuff, websites or merchandise.
In case you need help on how to use PEEL, have a look in to the FAQ, the PEELers' FAQ. It's a quite nice read covering how to use PEEL, get around here and gives hints for general behaviour. Read it carefully. 
Afterall let us all enjoy your stay.